The United Nations’ Luciferian Connections | Truth Matters Ep 4

1 year ago

This episode of Truth Matters continues its investigation into the United Nations. What kind of guidance is the Luciferian organization, Lucis Trust, providing to the UN? What form will the new universal spirituality take? What principles are guiding the new universal education system and who’s behind the UN’s World Core Curriculum? Is there a connection between the UN’s plan for universal education and Pope Francis’s push for a new global education?

How are the world’s billionaires connected to the UN? What are the spiritual leanings of Bill and Melinda Gates? Do they have any connection with the UN’s brand of spirituality? Could it be that those who control the world behind the scenes are employing a lightning rod strategy, using key people and organizations to deflect heat from themselves?

The last episode of Truth Matters looked at The Great Reset and the end of capitalism. In this episode, Professor Walter J. Veith and co-hosts Matthew Schanche and Mackenzie Drebit consider the social component. What is the Club of Rome and who are its members? What have they identified as the world’s problems and what plans do they have for “correcting” them? What does their recent publication, 2052, reveal about what lies ahead for humanity? How do the Club of Rome’s ideologies compare with those of the World Economic Forum? How does environmental “sustainability” fit with their ideals and plans? And what is the connection between the goals of the world’s great think tanks and the Roman Catholic Church’s social teachings, exemplified in Pope Francis’s recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti?

Also in this episode, TM hosts discuss China’s re-education camps. Could isolation camps be used in Western countries? Haven’t population control tactics first trialed in China already been used across the world during the Covid-19 crisis?

These are sobering considerations. Nevertheless, Truth Matters provides you with the information you need to help you prepare and have hope for a better future.

1:50 What evidence is there that the United Nations has a deep spiritual component and agenda?

4:20 Why does the UN have a close relationship with World Goodwill, a UN accredited non-governmental organization with a mission to spread the Luciferian teachings of Alice A Bailey to the world?

5:28 World Goodwill is preparing the world to receive the coming christ. Is this the same person as Jesus Christ?

8:22 What relationship did Alice Bailey have with freemasonry?

9:05 What principles underlie the UN’s global education curriculum? Where did these ideas come from?

12:04 How is the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation connected with the UN?

15:11 What role are the world’s billionaires playing in setting up the new world order? The lightning rod strategy.

20:50 What connections does Mark Suzman, CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, have to the United Nations?

22:01 What is the Club of Rome and what are their goals for society in the near future?

24:34 Video clip from Last Call, based on Club of Rome’s first publication, Limits to Growth.

33:16 Quotes from:

· 2052 by Club of Rome member Jorgen Randers: “forced distribution,” “Will I be poorer?” etc.

· Club of Rome website

35:00 How do the objectives of the Club of Rome align with those of the World Economic Forum?

35:33 Greta Thunberg’s Club of Rome connection.

36:18 The J-curve:

· How getting off the curve will affect human initiative and incentive

· Bringing back society of the Middle Ages

41:18 A new global socialism:

· Examples from the transition to a new socialist curriculum in universities in South Africa

· Cutting off the head and the tail for the sake of equity

46:20 2052: Road map to the future and what the middle class can expect.

48:44 Why, according to the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements, private ownership of land must be eliminated.

50:24 What will replace democracy and capitalism?

· Fratelli Tutti

· Transborder national parks

52:39 China’s unoccupied ghost cities

53:58 How will the new system handle those who insist on liberty of conscience and the freedom to choose?

55:25 Are China’s re-education camps a pattern for the world?

59:36 Canada’s plan for isolation camps.

1:05:30 Official RFP for the construction and maintenance of Canada’s isolation camps.

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