Tim Brown: Dangers Of 5G Towers & Satellites & Their Effects On Heavy Metals In The Body

1 year ago

Tim Brown: Dangers Of 5G Towers & Satellites & Their Effects On Heavy Metals In The Body - Plus The Solution
The dangers posed with every roll out of new technology over the past two centuries have resulted in DNA damage to the body, as well as multiple flu-like symptoms.
Whether it was radar, radio, telegraph or cell technology, sicknesses among the population resulted from their introduction. Now, we have been witnessing the introduction of fifth generation tech through cell towers and even satellites during the CONvid plandemic.
Cory Hillis of EMF Solutions joins me in this episode to talk about the differences of electromagnetic frequencies produced by both the towers and the satellites and how the results produce a subatomic chaos that effects the body.
He'll also address how heavy metals in the body are affected in the body and he's the only guy I know that I know of that produces products that work to protect you from these effects.
Visit Cory's site: https://bit.ly/emfsolcom
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