1 year ago

Escape The Matrix Of Stuttering (How To Stop Stuttering) All speech methods cause stuttering

This is a TRUE story of a recent Etalon graduate from Poland. He speaks English as a second language. In his irrational attempt to sound like a SKILLFUL speaker, 14yo Pawel started using inappropriately his own "body-mind" machine, which immediately reacted with inappropriate "strange" behavior. These "unexplainable" actions of his own body (that he used inappropriately himself!) scared the teenager. After he learned that others considered such immature speaking behavior as some kind of a mysterious illness with a void term "stuttering", he asked his parents to take him to a speech therapist... But just like people around him, he was unaware that his body was just a muscle mirror of his mind.

This 22-yo FORMER stutterer has shared his experience dealing with the LIE: for many years he truly believed that he had an incurable illness, called stuttering....

His first SPEECH THERAPIST convinced a young man that the only solutions for fixing his speech underdevelopment were SILENCE and ARTIFICIAL TECHNIQUES, METHODS, TRICKS - TIPS .

Pawel went to a conventional Psychologist and Psychiatrist and took psychotic drugs.... He destroyed his mental and physical health, but his speech underdevelopment remained unchanged!

He went through the self-study and the "Bootcamp" of a STUTTERING COACH by the name Michael Williams and learned more methods and techniques.... Pawel is sharing his experience with learning and practicing 21 steps of the stuttering coach, who was just one of the thousands of other passionate advocates of the old mistaken "STUTTERING CURE" approach. The coach made many speaking mistakes in conversations while using his own "techniques", "strategies" and "steps"... No wonder, Pawel was not satisfied with the results of applying these same artificial strategies in his speech:-(

Thanks to the "stuttering cure" specialists, Pawel learned to avoid speech and speaking situations and never developed his adequate NATURAL speech skills until....

...the day has come and this young man has stopped stuttering in only 3 days of the Etalon Speech Gymnastics.

He has finally realized that EACH and EVERY TECHNIQUE - METHOD -
STEP ever created by people CAUSE HIM TO STUTTER AND ARE STUTTERING themselves!!!

Normal speech is an independent the speaking without any "method" or "helper".

Just like all other 3000+ graduates of the Etalon program since 1998, Mohammad has finally discovered the natural algorithm of speaking - the only 100% effective way to produce 100% normal rational speech, always and everywhere! It is up to him now whether he will continue growing and perfecting his speech skill or remain satisfied with the basics learned during the intensive study course!

The Etalon method teaches that the problem of stuttering is the result of underdeveloped or lack of natural speaking skills in a human. Every artificial "method" of speech "improvement" causes stuttering.

People are born without any skills. They are born ready to learn them. They do not know how to walk, hold a spoon, ride a bike, read, write and speak. They can, but simply do not know how to perform these actions yet. They have not learned yet how to move the muscles of their body in coordination and do not have yet in their memory the information about how to make precise and coordinated movements of their muscles of their body.

The holistic Etalon approach has finally solved the puzzle of stuttering once and for all. Stuttering is no longer a mystery!

This new approach is based on natural laws (for speaking, thinking, memory, and attention) discovered and formulated by Russian professor R.A. Snezhko in 1998. He has developed and perfected over the last 18 years an innovative and extremely successful program for Instant and Permanent Elimination Of Stuttering in THREE DAYS of intensive study course taught in the individual setting on Skype.

Over 3, 000 program graduates in Russia and in other countries (speaking English as primarily and a second language) have eliminated their stuttering once and for all!

Each and every program graduate has achieved 100% successful result guaranteed by his own 100% personal control over his coordinated correct speaking actions.

For more information, please visit:

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