The Buck Kicker and the Beretta 1301 // amazing groups, half the recoil! #Beretta1301 #shotgun

1 year ago

Not clickbait! Not a gimmick! This is one of the most effective things you can do for your shotgun patterns. Whether you’re a waterfowl hunter, shotgun competitor or simply a dad who wants to better defend his family and home, the BuckKicker chokes from Kick’s Industries is truly a game changer. Holy crap, I couldn’t believe the effect it has on shot patterns and I think you’ll be impressed as well.

Intro 1:02
Price 3:42
Sexiest thing you’ll see on YouTube 5:06
Shooting Beretta 1301 with factory choke/standard 00 buck 5:40
Shooting Buck Kicker Full choke 7:30
The Buck Kicker X-Full choke 9:15
Shooting X-Full choke 11:10
Shooting regular Federal Flite Control from Beretta 1301 12:35
Shooting Flite Control with Buck Kicker choke (oof!) 15:00
Shooting X-Full choke at 40 yards 16:18
Head shot with a shotgun at 15 yards! 19:05
Outro 19:35

*** Attention Youtube Overlords: There are no modified firearms in this video. All shooting was done on a closed range, under the direct supervision of a certified law enforcement range safety officer ***

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Disclaimer: OG is a professional clown. Do not attempt any stupid activity seen in this or any other video.


Officer Gregg
P.O. Box 656
McCall,ID 83638

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