12Jun23 With Captions The TWO AI's — Artificial Intelligence Enables Anticipatory Intel (PreCrime)

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES

AI — Anticipatory Intelligence or Pre-Crime Targeting "Risk scores" assigned to you by government. Two "AI's" (Anticipatory Intelligence & Artificial Intelligence) join together in a program "Night Fury". This particular program began under Trump and escalated under Biden. It sounds like "Minority Report" but it's the MAJORITY of the federal government and BOTH parties that want to create a surveillance state where you are targeted for presumed intentions. (3:39)

The surveillance state's "rope-a-dope" (4:54)

More about "Night Fury" — what is it and how it spans multiple Democrat and Republican administrations including Trump (8:08)

SPLC inflates its "hate map" by calling "Mom's for Liberty" a hate group. It's an old tactic by these government shills and leftist grifters. (21:26)

AI will give SPLC a run for its money. The FIRST DEFAMATION lawsuit over AI fabricating blatantly false information — "hallucination" (30:22)

Tesla's body count of those killed by its "self-driving" mode is amazing (34:40)

Trump Civil War? (43:19) Many questions and some troubling "answers"
• Was there a crime?
• Is there equal protection under the law?
• Do we care more about Trump than that Biden made millions or tens of millions of gun owners into felons? Did you know that Trump fought gun groups to do pistol brace ban by executive order for year and a half?
• Lawyers reactions are that the charges are real and serious, even Trump's defenders
• After foolish, provocative talk from Biden in the last campaign about seizing guns using military, now many on the right, like Kari Lake, are calling for using guns to "protect" Trump

Could Trump pardon himself if re-elected? Could Trump, as president, pardon himself BEFORE being convicted? (1:09:41)

The part of the indictment that worries even Trump's most die hard defenders like Alan Dershowitz (1:19:28)

Listener comments on pardoning oneself in advance, fires, smoke, climate (1:23:34)

Document shows military has worked with US Forestry Department to make wildfires a military weapon. Former officials agree that forestry mismanagement has made fires, natural or arson, uncontrollable (1:28:22)

Listener comments on fires, climate data, Trump (1:41:37)

Unabomber dies, allegedly by suicide. Who was he? The tragedy of a life devoid of belief in God or a higher moral law — essentially doing abortions by mail because of his low esteem for human life. (1:49:04)

Look at what Unabomber wrote about leftist and political power (1:51:37)

While Trump & DeSantis fight over Covid responses, Biden is STILL masking and distancing people who are unvaccinated and people are STILL dying from the Trump shots that are still be pushed — BUT the FDA's response is to ramp up censorship (2:09:33)

WATCH: EGS as explained by Gates, Larry Fink (Blackrock CEO), and Biden (2:24:31)

Did Pentagon Discover Dr. Who's Tardis? Desc: The claim is that it bent time and space. Is it true or did ChatGPT "hallucinate" this? Can you trust either AI or CIA?(2:27:45)

Church in Germany has AI deliver sermon (2:46:52)

To sell gun control, CNN says the most dangerous place and time is church 11am Sunday morning. (2:49:20)

Pennsylvania man arrested at Pride event, one minute after he began reading the Bible, has charges dropped. Police are unrepentant and the community is outraged (2:56:39)

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