BCP: Third World War imminent! The antidote of death.

1 year ago

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The media have informed that the largest NATO military exercise is to take place near the Ukrainian border from 12 to 23 June 2023. The forecasts of political scientists speak very seriously about the danger of the outbreak of the third world war, associated with nuclear weapons.
The situation is serious and it mainly affects the residents of Europe and the United States of America. The plans of the NWO and the WHO, programmed from the same centre as NATO, are aimed at achieving so-called depopulation by reducing the population not to a golden billion, but only to half a billion.
The tense situation has escalated to the point where every European and every American must reckon with the reality of sudden mass death as a result of the use of nuclear weapons. It is not only about the reality of physical death, but also about the threat of eternal death, that is, the eternal condemnation of those who die in grave sin, and thus in rebellion against God.
1) What will happen to the immortal souls of those who will perish? Will they be saved or eternally damned? This is the most important question! Jesus says: “What profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” The purpose of this short earthly life is to save your soul for a happy eternity! Everything else is vanity upon vanity, everything will pass away. You will either be saved or eternally damned. This near future also concerns you, personally.
In the current atmosphere of lies and darkness, people do not realize and do not want to realize the most basic reality, which is death, God’s judgment and eternity. Do you not want to save your soul from hell? If you do, then what are you waiting for? Get ready today for passing into eternity! Scripture exhorts us: “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” God has promised forgiveness to the repentant sinner, but He has not promised him tomorrow. You may die this very day, and where will your soul be? In heaven or in hell? What if you had a heart attack or stroke or had a fatal accident today? What if the WHO declares mandatory vaccination with a fatal impact? What if there is a nuclear or other global disaster? No one can repent after death. Procrastination of repentance is a thief, and this thief of procrastination will rob you of eternal happiness and cast you into eternal hell.
2) What specifically to do to save yourself? Turn off the media and stop in the rush of everyday life. Realize the most fundamental truths that directly concern your life and your death. It is necessary to change the way of thinking, which is true metanoia. This is saving repentance, connected with faith in Christ and His Gospel (Mk 1:15).
3) How to repent? While there is time, take a pen and paper, re-examine your entire life and write down the moments when you transgressed the Ten Commandments in a serious matter. The eighth commandment, which reads, “You shall not bear false witness”, also includes media campaigns against the truth and defenders of the truth. The fifth commandment “You shall not kill” also prohibits mutilation by gender reassignment surgery, and also prohibits experimental mRNA vaccines and abortion, i.e. the killing of unborn children. When examining your conscience now, do not avoid the painful truth about yourself. By admitting it you can escape righteous judgment and eternal punishment. Do you know how? By confessing your sins to yourself and to God and having them cleansed by the power of Christ’s blood through faith. God’s word says: “If you walk in the light, the blood of Christ cleanses you from all sin.” (cf. 1Jn 1:7) If you walk in spiritual blindness, that is, in pride, saying that you have no sins, you tragically deceive yourself. The fruit of your self-deception will be eternal damnation. The Apostle warns: “Do not be deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters – i.e. esotericists, nor adulterers, nor the sexually immoral – i.e. slaves to pornography, nor homosexuals or unrepentant LGBTQ persons, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you.” (1Cor 6:9-11) At present, the extortioners are mainly juvenile and pseudo social services which steal children according to criminal antilaws and mutilate them sexually, psychologically and physically. These, as well as those who legalize these atrocious crimes, will be eternally damned unless they repent.
4) There is one more very serious condition for receiving forgiveness, and that is that you must forgive those who have hurt you. Without your forgiveness, God will not forgive you. To the petition from the Lord’s Prayer, “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us...” Jesus adds, “...but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive you.” (Mt 6:15)
5) How to make an act of perfect contrition?
Think of at least one grave sin you have committed. Filled with grief over your sin, stand in spirit by the cross of Christ and call on the name of God – Jesus, Yehoshua in Hebrew. The Scripture says: “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Rom 10:13) Fix your spiritual eyes on the five wounds of Christ, and repeat five times: “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner.” This is also your preparation for a happy death, because it is important that you know what to do at this most serious moment in order to be saved.
6) How to stay alert and ready? Start practising the prayer of perfect contrition to the five wounds of Christ in short prayer stops seven times a day: when you get up, at 9 a.m., 12 p.m., 3 p.m., 6 p.m., 9 p.m. and at bedtime.
7) What to do so as not to return to the old ways of indifference concerning your salvation? Catholics should pray the Rosary, preferably during the Holy Hour from 8 to 9 in the evening; the more zealous may even pray more Rosaries every day. In the middle of the “Hail Mary”, we speak the name of Jesus. So we call on this name 50 times in the Rosary. The Orthodox use chotki, constantly repeating the prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.” There are other prayers, too, but the essence is an inner, that is personal, relationship with God.
The Lord’s Prayer often becomes impersonal. That is why it is necessary to realize each of its seven petitions specifically. For example, when you say, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” repeat it slowly one or more times and think of its content. This will make the Lord’s Prayer your intimate prayer.
The situation today is extremely serious. To some extent, however, this may be your last chance to wake up from spiritual blindness and stop on the false path that leads to eternal destruction. Today there is a threat of a nuclear disaster, mass vaccination, artificially induced cancer or other fatal danger. You do not know how your death will happen, but it is certain that death will not pass you by. And then you will stand before God’s judgment seat and face eternity. Perfect contrition, connected with calling on God’s name, is the antidote to eternal death. The Saviour now offers this antidote to you and gives it freely. But whoever refuses to repent will be condemned. Jesus warns: “Unless you repent, you will all perish.” (Lk 13:3)

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

7 June 2023

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