Rescued kitten is completely in love with her new shepherd friend

1 year ago

Lilibet is a happy and grateful soul who has connected beautifully with Charlie, a shepherd cross who loves her right back. As unusual as it is for a dog and a cat to bond so quickly and so intensely, it's not surprising when you know their heart warming stories.
Lilibet has just arrived at her new forever home. She started out life as a neglected and unwanted kitten, being given away to anyone who would be willing to pick her up and take her anywhere. Too young to be without her mother, she and her brother were advertised on FaceBook with a simple message: "Come and get them". A kitten like that can end up in any home, with anyone. Or worse, they can end up in a dog fighting ring, or with somebody looking for live prey for reptiles and snakes. "Free kittens" can end up in situations that are beyond cruel.
But Lilibet and her brother were found by Jennifer and Jim of Black Dog Farm and Rescue (Texas). They were given love and care and a carefully selected home with a family that would provide Lilibet and Archie with all that they deserved. Lilibet and Archie's new home would have something else that was wonderful; a friend named Charlie.
Charlie's story is a sad tale with a beautiful ending. His mother, Faith had also been a rescue at the Black Dog Farm. Faith was a pathetic and dirty dog with belly full of babies. She had been neglected and chained, given nothing but a bowl of food and some water. She was undernourished and unloved. She was not even shown the kindness of human interaction. She cowered in a small shelter made of plywood scraps on her short chain. Then, she was noticed by somebody who called the Black Dog Farm and Rescue. Jennifer and Jim made the trek to find Faith and negotiate for her freedom and a her chance at a proper life. Faith eagerly got into the kennel and was put in the back of the truck. But as soon as they were two minutes away, Jim stopped the truck. Faith was brought to the front to sit on Jennifer's lap for the rest of the ride home. And Jennifer's lap is where Faith would sit any chance she got.
Given veterinary care, warm shelter, adequate food, and love, Faith was a devoted mother who gave birth to a litter of puppies that were also loved and cared for. All of them flourished and all of them found perfect homes. Charlie ended up here, in Washington with people who welcomed him like a true family member.
Now, Charlie extends the same welcome to Lilibet. The two spend a good part of the day cuddling and playing. Neither one seems to understand that cats and dogs aren't typically best friends. Lilibet just wants love from anyone or anything. Jennifer and Jim couldn't be happier than to see three wonderful souls in one loving home.
Black Dog Farm and Rescue can be found on Facebook. They help the most needy and most challenged animals become all that they can be, and all that they deserve. Please follow them and enjoy their stories and posts. And please feel free to support them so that they can continue the amazing work that they do. They desperately need any help they can get to provide food, shelter, and love for those who deserve it most.

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