Reborn - Gavin Mark Green

1 year ago


Verse 1
Constantly waiting, contemplating
Losing all my fucking patience
Sitting here, trying to die
Writing lines about my fears
No need to hear, clap or cheer
Where the fuck are all my peers?
Reading lies, televised
Controlling minds their lost inside
I need to quit, I’m sick of it
They tore my soul, ripped it to bits
I tried to help, I tried to shout
I cry and yelp, got lost in doubt
I tried to find another route
Apparently my loves been drown
My appetite to bind the light
I fight against the dark at night
Demons sing, my soul is bleeding
Happiness is what I’m dreaming
Out of reach, I cannot teach
Believing lies is what they preach
Hypnotised, slow demise
Moneys got me sodomised
Corrupted scheme, I’m a feen
Life’s become a tragedy
I’m fading from reality
Cos’ freedom is apart of me
The misery is conflicting,
Inside of me, it’s damaging my body
I’m horny, fuck money, you want me,
You got it, honey
Humans so hungry and lonely
Raped by life, eternally

Stand tall, when we’re under attack
Stay strong, never gunna fall back
Minds gone, matrix needs to be hacked
Reborn, never gunna fall off track
Stand tall, when we’re under attack
Stay strong, never gunna fall back
Minds gone, matrix needs to be hacked
Reborn, we’re never gunna fall off track

Verse 2
Back and forth, pacing more
Thinking how to end it all
Ignoring all the signs that say
Hey wake up man you’re in a cult
It’s not your fault, born default
Buying products with cobalt
Elon Musk is getting richer
Enslaving blacks to make them poor
The middle class is kissing arse
Claiming slavery is in the past
Clicking fast and judging us by
Commenting all your dumb remarks
Peaceful protest, peaceful march
Black Lives Matter, Antifa
LGBTQIA+, it sounds sus, Ha!
Diversity is purposely
Brainwashing us right through our screens
Emerging from behind the scene
They’re forcing it upon our teens
Mums and dads are getting sad
Lost the child they thought they had
Propaganda turned them bad
Government has made them whack
Part of me, says honestly
If Humans want diversity
Without chopping body parts
Replace it with technology
Transfer our souls to see
Perspectives of reality
Trap my head
Blood is rent
Rape my body
Love is dead

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