The Volvo 740 Saloon Saga and 300,000 mile BMW 320d update

2 years ago

We popped out on an afternoon adventure to buy a Volvo 740 saloon with a super rare interior. The plan was to start it up and drive it home and deal with the consequences as and when they arose... Well, as it happened, there wasn't any need for dealing with consequences. You can't break down if you can't start up!

For the record the bits we didn't film was cleaning up all the connections on the leads, cleaning and sanding the spark plugs, checking the rotor arm and distributor was all intact and good to go and checking for fuel.... So we had spark and fuel and go-go juice but no go-go. So it was a no go. #GeoffBuysCars #BuyingCars #SellingCars #CarReview

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