Risen Easter Cross Wreath DIY ~ Small Deco Mesh Easter Wreath ~ 8 Inch Wreath Form

2 years ago

Good Morning, I have a small deco mesh Easter wreath for you. In today's crafting adventure I will show you how to make this simple Risen cross wreath. All of the materials to make this wreath came from Dollar Tree making it budget friendly. The wreath is made using an 8 inch wreath form and the curl method. I mixed two different kinds of mesh to create this dense and textured base. Let me share with you how to make a Risen Easter Cross Wreath DIY.

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Other video's you might like:
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Happy Easter Wreath With Bunny ~ How to Make a 10 inch Deco Mesh Curly Easter Wreath ~ Curl Method https://youtu.be/S_Bpo9sAAFE

Business inquiries & Friend mail:
Michelle Smith Creations
P.O. Box 612
Lincoln, CA 95648
E-mail: MichelleSmithCreations@yahoo.com

Glue gun & glue sticks, wire cutters, scissors, silicone spatula, ruler, Aleene's Original Tacky glue, paint & brushes
Materials: Dollar Tree ~ 1 8inch wreath form, 1roll each white deco mesh, purple deco mesh, white with snow deco mesh, lavender with snow deco mesh, wood cross, 1 wood cutout RISEN

Copyright 2023 All photos & video content including thumbnails are property of Michelle Smith Creations and cannot be used, reproduced, or copied without written consent from owner or direct credit is given to Michelle Smith Creations including a direct link to the referenced video.

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