1st Ever! Falling Prices Haul Target Salvage & Amazon Returns Amazing Deals New Merchandise Weekly

2 years ago

In today's shopping adventure I checked out for the first time a Falling Prices store in Roseville, CA. I discovered this discount store from a blog post I read that Aubrey Swan had posted about Target Salvage Stores and where to find them in the united states. I discovered the ones in my area are called Falling Prices. I had to go and check it out to see what it was like. Well I discovered they not only sell Target items but also Amazon returns! Want to find out what I found and how much I paid then get comfy and I will fill you in girlfriend!

Link to Aubrey Swan post https://aubreyswanblog.com/target-salvage-store-round-up/?fbclid=IwAR0WzDEZ-4c5E9r-4N6_DxjNEx9mzbp1xt7eGopeMLPAi3Edw-TSXwFTJow

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Business inquiries & Friend mail:
Michelle Smith Creations
P.O. Box 612
Lincoln, CA 95648
E-mail: MichelleSmithCreations@yahoo.com

Photos in video & thumbnail from www.fallingprices.com

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