We Can’t Trust Governments - LCP 1660

1 year ago

Why We Can’t Trust The FBI: How the FBI has abused its power and violated civil liberties in the name of national security and law enforcement.

Randi Weingarten only taught for 3 years. She’s getting 15 years of public pension anyway: How public sector unions exploit taxpayers and undermine education quality and choice.

Josh Hawley wants the debt ceiling deal to include a massive tax hike on Americans: How Republicans are betraying their principles and constituents by supporting more spending and taxation.

New federal report: Half of public school students are now performing below grade level: How the federal government has failed to improve education outcomes despite spending trillions of dollars.

Wealth taxes have the exact result libertarians predicted: How wealth taxes discourage innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth, and drive wealth away from productive uses.

Sacramento’s alfresco dining scene has crumbled since the pandemic. Here’s why it’s gone: How government regulations and lockdowns have destroyed small businesses and harmed consumers.

Join us as we expose the lies, corruption and incompetence of the political class and offer libertarian solutions for a freer and more prosperous society.

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