June 10th, 2023 SH'LACH L'CHA-Shabbat

1 year ago

In this portion, God is telling us not to be overcome with what our physical eyes see and ears hear. We are to be a people of faith believing God to move mountains and do the impossible. Twelve leaders of the tribes of Israel were sent over a 40 day period to tour the land of Israel. This was the first tour of the land of Israel of the Chrildren of Israel. When they came back, 10 of them gave a bad report, the other two gave a good report. We must take the inheritance God has for His people and not reject it. If there seems to be hurdles, we believe God will remove them. I apologize for the video issues in the first minutes of this. We have been having issues because we are building the Kingdom and the enemy does not want you to hear this information and be transformed by it. If you need a copy of the notes, send me (Rabbi Elliot Hass) an email to KolHaruach@gmail.com and I will send you a digital copy.

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