Mark Of Beast With Covid-19 Agenda ID2020 Contain Star-Shaped Microdevices ?

1 year ago

Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical U.S.A. Government And Death To The Unvaccinated America People And American Nation CDC director says coronavirus outbreak ‘becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated’ How the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated people of the world for a darwinian perspective. A case report describes a woman in her 40s who experienced unilateral rhinorrhea, metallic taste, headache, neck stiffness, and photophobia after completing nasal swab testing for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. The cribriform plate forms the roof of the nasal cavity, and the nasopharyngeal swabs do not touch the cribriform plate. However, a man's persistently runny nose following a COVID-19 nasal swab test was caused by cerebrospinal fluid leaking from his brain, according to a new report. Iatrogenic CSF leaks from intranasal procedures or surgical trauma at the cribriform plate represent up to 16% of the secondary causes of CSF fistula, and contrast-enhanced MR cisternography is the gold standard for the diagnosis.

globalist Klaus Schwab declares unvaccinated people to be a threat to humanity Several dozen heads of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and various other globalist bodies have declared that the “Great Reset” needs to include the establishment of a global “pandemic” treaty to ensure that all humans are “vaccinated” in accordance with government edicts.

WEF head Klaus Schwab, who looks an awful lot like an aged Heinrich Himmler of the Nazi SS, says humans who refuse to go along with the plan are a threat to everyone else. He, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and many of the other usual suspects all agree.

These international “leaders” signed on to a letter that says the next phase of the plandemic transition into a New World Order necessitates that the world’s social engineers and societal architects “build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.”

The letter goes on to declare the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as the “biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s,” adding that there will definitely be “other pandemics and other major health emergencies” in the years to come.

“No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone,” the letter adds.

“The question is not if, but when. Together, we must be better prepared to predict, prevent, detect, assess and effectively respond to pandemics in a highly co-ordinated fashion. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.”

Chinese virus “vaccines” are the first piece of the Mark of the Beast
Schwab stated just a few weeks ago that he believes “nobody will be safe” unless “everybody is vaccinated.”

It does not matter if a “vaccine” is experimental and still undergoing clinical trials, which is the case for all Chinese virus vaccines currently being distributed. If the government says you should get it, then you have to get it, Schwab contends.

The other signatories have essentially declared that they believe the same thing. All injections, no matter their purpose or the risks involved, must be taken by all humanity in order for everyone to feel “safe” against scary germs from China or elsewhere.

This will bring about a “public good” that will fulfill the tenets of the New World Order as long planned by the secret societies, and as delineated on the Georgia Guidestones, in the Noahide laws, and in other key deep state texts that function as blueprints for a future totalitarian world.

The Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic is just one piece of this much larger agenda, which involves injecting all of humanity with the first piece of the Mark of the Beast. Once the vaccine “software” is installed, more components will be added later to bring about total and absolute worship of the “beast.”

Nobody will be able to buy or sell anything without first being “vaccinated.” By agreeing to get vaccinated, people are giving their worship and allegiance to the New World Order beast system known as Western “medicine,” which is forever enslaving them through lies and deception.

“The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all of government and all of society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics,” the letter further reads.

“This includes greatly enhancing international co-operation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter-measures such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.”

German parliament advances Mark of the Beast with “Agenda ID2020” ratificationOn Jan. 29, the German parliament (Bundestag) moved to ratify Agenda ID2020, a centralized data collection program that will be used to roll out the final Mark of the Beast and enslave all of humanity forever.

While it still has to be approved by the German Federal Council, reports indicate that Agenda ID2020 will likely run into minimal resistance from here on out, and eventually pass.

Under the program, the private data of all Germans, and eventually all humans, will be made available to every government agency, police department and private sector company that wants it.

“It covers all that is known about an individual citizen, now up to 200 points of information and possibly more as time goes on, from your bank account to your shopping habits, health records (vaccination records, of course), your political inclinations, and probably even your dating habits and other entries into your private sphere,” writes Peter Koenig for Global Research (Canada).

Designed by none other than Bill Gates, Agenda ID2020 is part of a larger “vaccination package” sponsored and supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), now referred to as the Vaccine Alliance.

Bill Gates played a big role in developing Mark of the Beast “vaccines” for global control
The Vaccine Alliance, the headquarters of which is located in Geneva, Switzerland, a widely recognized locale of deep state activity, is another creation of Bill and Melinda Gates. It is located right next door to the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters, and is considered to be a public-private partnership – “[t]he public part being WHO, plus a number of developing countries,” Koenig notes.

Other private partners to GAVI include pharmaceutical giants Johnson & Johnson (J&J), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck & Co., and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Not everyone in Germany is on board with Gates’ plan, including Dr. Reiner Füllmich, co-founder of the Corona Commission, a consortium of medical doctors, virologists, immunologists, lawyers and university professors.

Dr. Füllmich is concerned that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines from the likes of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna may contain hidden nanoparticles that could be accessible via electromagnetic radiation such as the kind released by 5G and soon-to-be 6G.

We already know that Gates and Co. has been busy working on “vaccine” technologies that will be paired with microchips and other new world order paraphernalia for global control.

It is entirely within the realm of possibility that such technology is already fully developed and hidden within the “remedies” being offered for the Chinese virus. Switzerland is already using such a technology that comes with a built-in, all-electronic identification platform.

The Swiss government has reportedly outsourced management of its Agenda ID2020 program to the private sector, meaning large corporations will be in charge of handling the data.

At some point, the “vaccines” offered by the likes of Bill Gates will openly contain this technology. For now, the deep state wants us all to think that people are simply getting “vaccinated” for Chinese germs, including with secret vaccines hidden within Chinese virus “test kits.”

Gates has already openly admitted that the plan is to have every person on the planet – except himself, of course – vaccinated for the Chinese virus. All roughly seven billion people will also get an ID chip inserted into their bodies, which will help the elitists better manage their global “herd.”

“With an electromagnetic field and with 5G / 6G EM-waves allowing inputs and access of data in your body – the control of each individual is almost complete,” warns Koenig. “The ‘almost’ refers to the planned access to your brainwaves.”

PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant” Back in November, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) published a study that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with “tiny, star-shaped microdevices” capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent.

Because more than half of America is “vaccine hesitant,” meaning most people want nothing to do with Chinese virus jabs, “science” apparently came up with a hidden injection technology to secretly vaccinate people through the nasal or anal PCR test swabs that are jammed into their orifices.

Patrick Smith from JHU wrote in an article about the study that these tiny, star-shaped microdevices were “[i]nspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines.” Sounds fun, eh?

“David Gracias, a professor in the Whiting School of Engineering, and gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru, director of the Johns Hopkins Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism’s intestines,” Smith wrote.

Known as “theragrippers,” these microdevice chips made of metal and “thin, shape-changing film” are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax that is sent into the body unnoticed. Each of these chips is no larger than a speck of dust and Once inside the body, the star-shaped devices respond to heat by closing up and affixing themselves onto the intestinal wall with little prongs. The centers of these now-closed stars are then able to deliver whatever drug was implanted inside of them, in this case microscopic Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine chemicals.

“The claim is that the dust-sized ‘theragrippers’ can be implanted in the tips of PCR test swabs and be delivered to the innocent ‘victim,'” writes John O’Sullivan for Principia Scientific International. “It may be utterly immoral – and likely illegal – but it is certainly feasible …”

“Thousands of these sinister miniature theragrippers can be deployed in the GI tract via a simple, innocent swab given as part of the COVID-19 test already taken by millions worldwide. Quite simply, you wouldn’t feel a thing,” he adds – you can watch a video about the technology.

Does Fauci know about hidden vaccines in PCR testing swabs?
If PCR testing swabs contain this hidden technology, which it appears is possible, then people who think they are merely getting “tested” for Chinese germs could also be getting vaccinated for them without permission.

This is music to the ears of Anthony Fauci, who recently whined that getting large numbers of people vaccinated for the WuFlu would be difficult because of “vaccine hesitancy.”

Use of the word “hesitancy” implies that people are just not sure if they should get the vaccine, when the reality is that most of them are beyond a shadow of a doubt sure that they will not be getting vaccinated under any circumstances.

A Gallup Poll from late last year found that roughly half of America is not going to get vaccinated. “People of color” were most sure at the time that they would not be getting the jab, though since that time the number of “vaccine hesitant” of all races has only increased.

Press your legislators for answers about whether or not people are being secretly vaccinated
At this point, it is crucial that everyday folks contact their legislators to demand answers. Since “Congress is owned by pharma,” to quote a top FDA (Food and Drug Administration) medical adviser, chances are you will get the runaround, but it is still worth a try.

President Donald Trump also warned that the pharmaceutical industry contributes “massive amounts of money to political people,” who then do its bidding.

There was even a paper published in the Helpdesk Report about “vaccine hesitancy” and strategies Big Pharma and corrupt lawmakers can employ to overcome it. Does one of these strategies including hiding microscopic vaccines inside PCR testing swabs?

Keep in mind that the pharmaceutical industry spends far more money than any other industry trying to influence politicians. It is almost a certainty that some of them are on board with schemes like this that essentially trick people into getting vaccinated who otherwise would say no to the jab.

“This is particularly worrying because if for some reason you need to go to the hospital as I did, they test you,” wrote one concerned Principia Scientific International commenter.

“Just the other day this exact thought crossed my mind out of the blue,” wrote another. “Whether true or not matters not, but I am just glad I decided under no circumstance, regardless of consequence (no family so nothing to lose), would I ever take a test of vaccine. I would rather slowly starve to death. Not a joke.”

Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak After Nasal Swab Testing for Coronavirus Disease and In March 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged as a global pandemic. Testing for presence of active severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is 1 pillar of the global response. In particular, nasopharyngeal, anterior nasal, and midturbinate swabs are 3 of the 5 methods for initial diagnostic specimen collection recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). However, complications associated with nasal swab testing are not well characterized. We describe the first case of a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak after nasal testing for COVID-19, to our knowledge.

A woman in her 40s presented with unilateral rhinorrhea, metallic taste, headache, neck stiffness, and photophobia. The patient had recently completed nasal COVID-19 testing for an elective hernia repair. Shortly after, she developed unilateral rhinorrhea, headache, and vomiting. The patient’s medical history was notable for idiopathic intracranial hypertension and removal of nasal polyps over 20 years before presentation. Physical examination revealed clear rhinorrhea from the right side. Flexible nasopharyngoscopy revealed a mass in the right anterior middle meatus, but did not identify the source of the fluid. The nasal drainage tested positive for β2-transferrin. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) identified a 1.8-cm encephalocele extending through the right ethmoid fovea into the middle meatus and a right sphenoid wing pseudomeningocele. Comparing these images to findings on CT performed in 2017 revealed that the encephalocele dated at least to that time (Figure 1). The 2017 CT diagnosis was paranasal sinus disease but not an encephalocele. The patient was admitted to the hospital for endoscopic surgical repair. At the beginning of the procedure, intrathecal fluorescein was infused through a lumbar drain. An encephalocele was identified in the right anterior ethmoid cavity (Figure 2). After reduction of the encephalocele, a skull base defect in the fovea ethmoidalis was repaired with a combination of acellular human dermal matrix and a poly(D,L-lactic) acid. The patient was admitted postoperatively for neurological monitoring and lumbar drain management.

To our knowledge, this is the first report of an iatrogenic CSF leak after a nasal swab for COVID-19. Of prior reported iatrogenic CSF leaks from intranasal procedures, surgical trauma at the cribriform plate is the culprit in CSF leaks 8% to 58% of the time.3 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is a risk factor for meningocele formation,4 and this patient had an undiagnosed skull base defect at the fovea ethmoidalis that was present on imaging dating back to 2017. We therefore theorize that the swab itself did not result in a violation of the bony skull base, but rather the invasive test caused trauma to the patient’s preexisting encephalocele.

Capacity for COVID-19 testing is increasing in the US, with plans to ramp up to as many as 6 million tests per day by the end of 2020.5 Although it is now routine in the US to rule out COVID-19 prior to elective surgeries, for many hospital admissions, and for symptomatic individuals, additional testing may help contain the spread of COVID-19. As the number of daily COVID-19 nasal and nasopharyngeal swab specimen collection procedures increases, a greater burden is placed on the health care system to properly train clinicians and even the general public to safely perform nasal and nasopharyngeal swab testing. High-quality instruction on how to properly obtain an adequate nasopharyngeal specimen for testing is available.2 However, adverse events may still occur owing to complex and delicate anatomy. Such complications have not been well described in the existing literature.

This case of iatrogenic CSF leak from nasal swab testing for COVID-19 illustrates that prior surgical intervention, or pathology that distorts normal nasal anatomy, may increase the risk of adverse events associated with nasal testing for respiratory pathogens, including COVID-19. One should consider alternative methods to nasal screening in patients with known prior skull base defects, history of sinus or skull base surgery, or predisposing conditions to skull base erosion.

5G, human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health 5G – the 5th generation of mobile technologies – is an evolution from the previous generations of mobile technology: 2G, 3G and 4G.
3G, 4G and 5G networks produce radio-frequency electromagnetic fields which are used to transmit information.
Despite extensive studies into the health effects of mobile phones and base stations over the last two or three decades, there is no indication of an increased health risk when exposed to electromagnetic fields below the levels specified by international bodies.
For all radio frequencies (0 to 300 GHz), international maximum levels are designed to avoid any adverse health effects.
ITU does not set maximum levels of exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields. These levels are set by competent bodies and ITU in turn references their standards and recommendations in its relevant ITU Recommendations.
Countries (ITU Member States) are sovereign and set their own national standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields. Most countries draw on the ITU Recommendations. ​
5G - 5th generation of mobile technologies

Mobile, or wireless, technologies - mobile phones, tablets and other wireless devices - have become basic communication tools of everyday life. They enable billions of people around the world to listen to the radio in their cars, watch free-to-air television programmes at home, travel safely in cities and around the globe and stay connected. For many on this planet, mobile is the primary — sometimes only — channel for accessing the Internet and the benefits it brings.

5G – the 5th generation of mobile technologies – is an evolution from the previous generations of mobile technology: 2G, 3G and 4G. 4G systems, for example, have opened a new era for mobile Internet, enabling many apps-based businesses used for such services as m-Learning, m-Health and mobile money.

5G, referred to by ITU as IMT-2020, is seen as opening yet another new era, supporting applications such as smart homes and buildings, smarter and cleaner cities, self-driving cars and road safety, other intelligent transport systems, 3D video, work and play in the cloud, remote medical services, virtual and augmented reality, and massive machine-to-machine communications for industry automation and manufacturing. 3G and 4G networks currently face challenges in supporting these services.​

Mobile technologies and human health

Together with the introduction of mobile communication technologies, there has been some public concern about the potential health risks associated with the use of mobile phones and living near base stations.

3G, 4G and 5G networks produce radio-frequency electromagnetic fields which are used to transmit information. Electromagnetic fields have been around in different forms since the birth of the universe. They differ from each other by frequency and visible light is its most familiar form.​

​​​For all radio frequencies (0 to 300 GHz), international maximum levels are designed to avoid any adverse health effects.​​​​ ​​

Despite extensive studies into the health effects of mobile phones over the last two or three decades, there is no indication of an increased health risk when exposed to electromagnetic fields below the levels specified by international bodies.

There is no evidence that electromagnetic fields from existing (2G, 3G and 4G) mobile networks pose any health risks, provided that administrations enforce the exposure limits established by international bodies.

There is no scientific basis of any relation between the transmission of the coronavirus and 4G or 5G or any other electromagnetic waves.

Who regulates the exposure to EMF?

ITU does not set maximum levels of exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields. These levels are set by competent bodies and ITU in turn references their standards and recommendations in its relevant ITU Recommendations.

Countries (ITU Member States) are sovereign and set their own national standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields. Most countries draw on the ITU Recommendations. Two main bodies have issued radio frequency exposure guidelines: The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) ITU's mandate is to allocate the global radio spectrum and satellite orbit resources, to develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, are secure and improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide.

ITU maintains the international treaty on the use of the radio-frequency spectrum (bands of radio frequencies) and satellite orbits that provides for a wide variety of wireless services on a harmonized basis. This avoids the possibility of harmful interference, ensures interoperability and reduces the cost of services and devices through the resulting economies of scale. The treaty provides for all generations of mobile technologies, from 2G to 5G and beyond.

ITU Recommendations refer to the standards, guidelines and recommendations on the maximum levels for exposure to EMF, which are established by competent international bodies.

No, the Covid-19 swab test cannot enter the brain and cause damage
The Covid-19 swab is not powerful enough to break through bone, a professor said and has been shared on social media alleging that the Covid-19 nasal swab test creates an entry point to the brain for other infections.

This is not true, mainly because the swab would not be strong enough to break through bone and reach the brain.

The post also claims that the nasal swab test is not, in fact, a test for Covid-19 but that it is a test for “fragments of previous cold remnants”. This is also untrue.

Speaking to, professor of experimental brain research at Trinity College Dublin Shane O’Mara said: ”Everything about this is wrong.”

Several versions of the post have been shared on Facebook pages in Ireland in recent days, one of which has been shared over 200 times.

“This assault is dangerous! This information comes from my colleague doctors,” the post says.

It reads: “Brain access is through the nose… Inserting a test bar deeply into the nose causes haematoencephal barrier damage and can also damage endocrine glands (e.g. hypophysis). That’s why testing hurts so much!” it reads.

The hematoencephalic barrier, otherwise known as the blood-brain barrier, is a border of cells that prevents the majority of solutes in the blood entering the brain.

Endocrine glands release hormones into the blood and hypophysis (more commonly known as the pituitary gland) is one of these.

“The purpose of this deep violation, is to break the barrier and create an entry into the brain for every infection,” the post goes on to say.

The post also makes claims about CO2 being “transported to the brain” while wearing a face mask, which is untrue and has previously been factchecked.

It claims that if endocrine glands are damaged, symptoms such as muscle weakness, blood circulation and visual disturbances may develop.

It says “no wonder so many “covid survivors” have long term issues” due to the “most sensitive body violation” of the Covid-19 test currently used in Ireland.

This claim has already been debunked by, the BBC and AFP.

Why it is wrong

Adults in Ireland are tested for Covid-19 using a nasopharyngeal test – a swab which extends through to the back of the nose.

O’Mara said it would be impossible for the swab (which is similar to a long cotton bud) to break through bone into the brain primarily because it is made of plastic and inserted at the wrong angle to access the brain.

“The nasal swab is not a metal spike,” he said. “The swab itself is not made of material capable of travelling or penetrating through tissue or bone.”

O’Mara said the angle of approach for the swab is also “all wrong” if it were intended to reach the brain.

“The angle of approach presented is actually towards the throat. If you did somehow get through the bone, then you must also get through the meninges,” he said, referring to a tough tissue containing cerebrospinal fluid (clear fluid found in the spinal cord and brain).

He said only a very sharp object such as a scalpel would have the ability to do this.

“There would be an immediate and fairly dramatic leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, causing the brain to come to rest in the skull.

“This would be an astonishingly serious medical event,” he said.

He said the pictures used in the post are anatomically inaccurate and added that the brain is “much higher up in the head than people think it is”.

Last week alone in Ireland, the Department of Health said 80,030 Covid-19 tests were carried out.

In total, more than one million tests have been carried out in the Republic since the beginning of the outbreak.

In terms of how the swab is inserted into the nose, one HSE document says: “Insert the swab into the nostril sweeping the floor of the septum and insert as far as but no further than the red mark on the swab stick. (This should be approximately half way between the nostril and the ear).” At no point during this process does the person’s brain get affected nor is an “entry point” created.

The HSE and the Department of Health told that claims like this “have no scientific basis or evidence to support them”.

Professor Shane O’Mara said: “The swabbing procedure is undoubtedly unpleasant… but people aren’t dying as a result of swabs being put into their heads.” There is a lot of false news and scaremongering being spread in Ireland at the moment about coronavirus. Here are some practical ways for you to assess whether the messages that you’re seeing – especially on WhatsApp – are true or not.


Look at where it’s coming from. Is it someone you know? Do they have a source for the information (e.g. the HSE website) or are they just saying that the information comes from someone they know? A lot of the false news being spread right now is from people claiming that messages from ‘a friend’ of theirs. Have a look yourself – do a quick Google search and see if the information is being reported elsewhere.

Secondly, get the whole story, not just a headline. A lot of these messages have got vague information (“all the doctors at this hospital are panicking”) and don’t mention specific details. This is often – but not always a sign – that it may not be accurate.

Finally, see how you feel after reading it. A lot of these false messages are designed to make people feel panicked. They’re deliberately manipulating your feelings to make you more likely to share it. If you feel panicked after reading something, check it out and see if it really is true.

There is no evidence to support the claim that Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine contains a chip that attaches a magnet to the injected arm. Social media videos of vaccinated people sticking magnets to their arms have been spreading a popular conspiracy that the vaccine contains microchips or other metals supposedly used by the government to track Americans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will not make you magnetic, including at the site of vaccination, which is usually your arm. The claim that the vaccines contain tracking devices like microchips or cause magnetic reactions is also unfounded.

There are several COVID-19 vaccines available to the U.S. public. And, as of May 2022, people ages 5 and up are eligible for any of the FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines. Booster vaccines provide further immunity against variants of COVID-19 and are also available. Many myths and misconceptions about COVID and vaccines make the rounds of social media. One such myth is that the vaccine will cause a magnet to stick to your arm after your shot.

In 2021, people on TikTok used the hashtag #covidvaccinemagnet to share photos and videos of magnets seemingly sticking to their COVID-19 vaccine injection sites. Like other unusual rumors about the vaccine, the claim is not true. The COVID-19 vaccine is not magnetic and will not cause a magnet to stick to your arm.

Despite the ruse, by July 2021, the hashtag #covidvaccinemagnet had about 4.5 million views on TikTok, with users doing some variation of the same thing. While many videos purported to show a magnet sticking to a human, many others also debunked the claim.

What Doctors Say About the Myth
They're not impressed. "This is stupid. This is completely made up," infectious disease expert Amesh A. Adalja, MD, senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, told Health. "There is no new magnetic capacity conferred by being vaccinated."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) specifically addressed the magnetic vaccine rumor on its website under "Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines," writing, "receiving a COVID-19 vaccine will not make you magnetic, including at the site of vaccination, which is usually your arm."1

COVID-19 vaccines do not contain ingredients that can produce an electromagnetic field at the site of your injection, the CDC explained. The CDC added that all COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals like iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys, as well as any manufactured products such as microelectronics, electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors.2

The CDC also included this: "In addition, the typical dose for a COVID-19 vaccine is less than a milliliter, which is not enough to allow magnets to be attracted to your vaccination site even if the vaccine was filled with a magnetic metal."2

You can also check out the full list of vaccine ingredients to verify if you want to learn more.2

Why Magnets Stick to Some People
It's possible that a magnet (and many other objects) could potentially stick to the oils on your skin or even to sweat, Jamie Alan, PhD, an associate professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University, told Health. "People can balance spoons on their nose, so it's not surprising people can balance magnets on their arms," she said.

Another thing to keep in mind: Many people are using coins to "prove" this, but they're missing a huge piece of information: US coins aren't ferromagnetic (aka strongly attracted to a magnet)—that is, except for one specific steel cent made in 1943, according to the American Chemical Society.3 Though coins are partially made of nickel—which is ferromagnetic—there are not enough of the metal in US coins to work that way.

It's also possible that there's a little TikTok trickery going on here. "I guess if you dipped a magnet in honey or slime and then stuck it to your arm, it will probably stick," Dr. Adalja said.

Keep in mind, too, that you're probably willingly putting metal into your body on a regular basis, and it's not turning you into a human magnet. One popular source? Multivitamins, often contain iron. "The vitamins are so diluted and spread out through your body that they don't cause a magnetic effect," Alan said. And, if you wear any kind of piercing like earrings, you're also placing metal into your body that doesn't make you magnetic, she points out.

As of 27 May 2023, the 10 leading causes of death accounted for 74.5% of all U.S. deaths in 2021, according to the NVSS. The US has recorded more than 47.7 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 771,500 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data. The global total for COVID-19 cases and deaths is more than 257.8 million cases and 5.15 million deaths, according to the CDC. More than 196 million Americans, 59.1% of the population, are fully vaccinated. The disease was reported as the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause of death for an estimated 377,883 people in 2020, accounting for 11.3% of deaths, according to the CDC. P.S. Exposing U.S.A. Gov. Their Lies!

Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) is a rare event that occurs in adults whose hearts suddenly stop pumping, causing sudden cardiac arrest and possibly death. SADS is a loosely defined umbrella term for a series of cardiac syndromes that cause sudden cardiac arrest and possibly death. Some of these syndromes are the result of structural problems in the heart, while others may be the result of irregularities within the electrical channels. Sudden loss of consciousness or death often occurs during physical exercise or emotional upset. Young people with a particular family history are being urged to get their hearts screened even if they are fit and healthy, as they could be at risk of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). The most common SADS conditions include genetic arrhythmia syndromes such as long QT syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT), and Brugada syndrome.

You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments

Once you see this you'll have no faith in these people again! The system-serving airheads that should be tried and imprisoned for crimes against humanity like most politicians, oligarchs, globalists and most medias. So many innocent people of all age groups have died or been severely injured for life after listening to the advice of Hollywood celebrities, talk show hosts and politicians regarding the vaccine for covid-19. It’s right that medical ethics should be highly scrutinized, especially in cases like the Covid-19 vaccine roll-out where the process has been accelerated. However, it’s important not to mix up the atrocities of the past with current debates about medicine and policy.

Healthy Athletes Dropping Dead of Cardiac Arrest for No Reason A New Bioweapon ?

A New Bioweapon Globally As Of This Date 16 March 2023, there have been 760,360,956 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,873,477 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 14 March 2023, a total of 13,232,904,667 vaccine doses have been administered. 6,033,218 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines with 4,358 Fetal Deaths in U.S. as of July 4 2022 -To date, the coronavirus disease 2023 (COVID-19) pandemic has taken more than 6.8 million lives. Many of these deaths have been attributed to misleading information that fragmented a coordinated effort to mitigate loss of life.

Artist covering one eye with 666 Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet ?

Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant. Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?

Five Billion Slaughter-bots Weapon AI based drone weapon are ready be launched now.

We're on the verge of creating autonomous weapons that can kill without any help from humans. Thousands of experts are concerned about this - and the latest campaign effort against this tech is a chilling video demonstrating the kind of future we're heading for.
In the Slaughterbots short, which we've embedded below, swarms of AI-controlled drones carry out strikes on thousands of unprepared victims with targeted precision. What makes the clip so scary is that the scenario is entirely plausible.

The video starts with a spectacular press event where the technology is unveiled for the first time. The miniature drones are able to take out "the bad guys" – whoever they happen to be – without any collateral damage, nuclear weapons, or troops on the ground. All the drone bots need is a profile: age, sex, fitness, uniform, and ethnicity.

Sinclair's Soldiers in New Media War on Media a video that showcased news anchors

This video did not go unnoticed. It became part of an effort by a media watch dog group to stifle Sinclair’s attempts to acquire even more local television stations. Timothy Burke himself was not pleased with this weaponizing of what he himself called his “dumb video”. In fact, Sinclair Broadcast Group, owner or operator of nearly 200 television stations in the U.S., would be forcing its news anchors to record a promo about “the troubling trend of irresponsible, one sided news stories plaguing our country.

Why COVID-19 Shot Is Not Safe ? Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ?

U.S. Government said and or told Us - We The People - COVID-19 Shot Are Safe ? LIE's ? So Per the Nuremberg Code ? Agent Orange ? Anthrax Vaccine ? Paraquat Pot ? 1920 Poisoned Alcohol ? Now Mandatory COVID-19 Shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients all part of a series of massive government cover-ups.
The Pentagon's mandatory anthrax shots caused adverse reactions in most recipients and helped prompt many Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members to transfer to other units or leave the military between 1998 and 2000, according to a survey by Congress's General Accounting Office (GAO).

The survey indicated that 85% of troops who received an anthrax shot had an adverse reaction, a rate far higher than the 30% claimed by the manufacturer in 2000, when the survey was conducted. Sixteen percent of the survey respondents had either left the military or changed their status, at least in part because of the vaccination program.

Whole banking system is a scam and fractional lending is just part of the problem ?

Understand The Concept
He believes that if the concept of the banking is not understood, then the banks are broken. Godfrey named a Fractional Reserve Banking system as a legalized fraud, as banks are able to lend money they don’t actually have. Godfrey thinks that the bank doesn’t have money, and still, they earn and branded it as a criminal scandal, which has been going on for quite a long period. As if that is not enough, there is a political swear, and most of the problems start in politics and central bank, which are part of the same political system.

On artificial printing of money, which has been going since long. He stated that the central banks fix the rate of interest, but there is no cost of value for money. The retail banks are only manipulating and that the central banks are manipulating the interest rates. When banks broke out due to their own incompetence, taxpayers pick up the tab. In short, he branded the banks as fraudulent and a scam.

New World Order Plan To Control Secret Evidence Revealed Death UN 21 Agenda U.S.A.

Speaker Pelosi's said her laptop had over 18,000+ documents and over 368,000+ pages of emails that were uploaded to who? or hacked by who? before shy got back to her office during the Jan. 6 insurrection. Riley June Williams, 22 was found guilty of six federal counts in November of 2022. Democrats woman of house wearing all white at state of the new world order speech rather than Republicans with red shoe lace who are the true saviors of the new world order and other civil liberties.
A laptop stolen from the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the U.S. Capitol attack has not been recovered from the home or car of a Pennsylvania woman accused of helping steal it, the woman’s lawyer said Tuesday. Yes its still missing or sold to who ?

A Organ Donor Card Will Get You Killed Very Fast As A Doctors Will Sell You 4 Money

You are worth more money to me if you are dead for your body parts to sell on the black market and organ harvesting is a rampant trade in human organs, involving collusion between organized criminals and corrupt doctors, police, jails, government and medical administration staff. We dive into the body trade and see the ways it operates and the risks involved for the desperate people at both ends of the deal, in what is an unregulated and often perilous market.

Biden Admin. Sale Girls 11 to 14 Age To Sex Trade 4 Illegals Arrive On Ghost Flights!

Government officials say that secret flights on a variety of factors, including (Over 20,000 missing children so far) because of air space restrictions and weather conditions, and that no attempt is made to hide their arrival (a lie). The more fundamental concern expressed by politicians who keep talking about “ghost flights the Biden administration sex traders and pedophile pickers look at the unattended and or unaccompanied girl 11 to 14 and some boys so no one will look for them, for the secret flights at night only to sell to sex slave traders in u.s.a. biden admin doesn’t want media attention on illegal immigration flights, its open border policies, or the results of those policies. How do we know? A security officer just said so, in an sex explosive video of secretive, dark-of-night flights transporting illegal immigrants to various points at night only throughout the U.S.A.

What is Martial law in the US ? Habeas corpus ? Insurrection Act of 1807 ? NWO ?

Martial Law, Gun Confiscation and FEMA Death Camps Coming Soon ? As of Jan 4, 2023, the Insurrection Act of 1807 still applies in limiting a US President's ability under Title 10 to federalize National Guard troops for martial law purposes.

Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's Purchase 30,000 Guillotines

Executive Orders associated with FEMADC that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Why Did the U.S. Government Recently Purchase 30,000 Guillotines? The use of guillotines for “governmental purposes” was lobbied for and passed in the U.S. Congress The information we received is that 15,000 are currently stored in Georgia and 15,000 in Montana Are the beheadings by Muslim's and Others today meant to desensitize us against U.S. Government beheadings in the future?

Rex 84 FEMADC’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America and A Police State America.

F.E.M.A.D.C. (Federal Emergency Management Agency Death Camp's) is a cover for a secret "continuity of government" plan in case the American people ever rebelled, that was exposed publicly by Congressman Jack Brooks. It is designed to give all control of government and states over to the president and FEMADC, suspend the constitution. Readiness Exercise 1984 (Rex 84) was an armed forces exercise conducted on behalf of the United States federal government to test our military's ability to detain large numbers of American citizens in case of civil unrest or national emergency. The military exercise anticipated civil disturbances, major demonstrations and strikes that would affect continuity of government.

Pedophile Bill Gates Is Lying To You On Vaccine Patent Protection # WO2020060606A1

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (brand name: Comirnaty) was granted full Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in August 2021 for people ages 16 and older. It was the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive FDA Emergency Use Authorization. For the primary series: two shots, 4 to 8 weeks apart.1 The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine 3 weeks (or 21 days) after the first dose; Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 4 weeks (or 28 days) after the first dose. The research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute Support (core) Grant from the National Cancer Institute.

Orwellian Dystopia Both Side's Are Wrong Answer To Extremism Isn’t More Extremism

America’s left and right are radicalizing each other, and the precedents from overseas are deeply unsettling. It’s all politics. And it still is, for those who really listen close. It’s why we need to flip the script and tell the real story of what happened in 1948 and 1964. I also believe America needs to echo, once again, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream and “look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” That’s what made America great…and will make America great again. It’s known as “The Big Switch.” That’s when Southern Democrat politicians converted to Republicanism and refashioned the G.O.P. into a racist political party. Orwell's "1984" has been quoted left and right, for years, but the reality that we currently live in has never resembled the dystopia that the author describes in his best-known novel as much as it does today. We are voluntarily giving up our privacy. We are forced to use it as a currency. That has never been the case before, but today it is.

COVID-19 Blood and Non Vaccines Blood and Secret Pedophile's Blood Bank U.S.A.

Blood Feasting Pedophiles, Parasitic Monsters Literally and Predatory Feeding Off the 9.6 Million Children Gone Missing Each Year Around the World… Top Secret “Pedophile” has reverberated throughout America. But beneath our anger and revulsion, a fundamental question pulsates: Are those who abuse their positions of trust to prey upon children—a category certainly not limited to those in religious orders—sick … or are they evil? We need the answer to that fundamental question. Because, without the truth, we cannot act. And until we act, nothing will change. Global child sex trafficking networks generate huge profits, run by the world’s most powerful individuals. A 2014 International Labor Organization report estimates that two-thirds of the annual profits from forced labor come from sexual slavery that amounts to $99 billion USD each year. And of that $99 billion, most is produced off the blood, sweat, tears, and flesh of helpless underage child sex slaves caught up in global trafficking rings operated by this same diabolical global elite.

COVID-19 Vaccines Will Kill You? Animation What Happens If You Get Coronavirus Effect

No question that the mRNA vaccines should be withdrawn with immediate effect” An independent analysis of the accumulated Yellow Card data, finally released 18 months after the first FOI request, shows unequivocal safety signals linking the mRNA vaccines to serious damage to the lymph system, the heart, and female reproduction 'Health regulator failing to keep public protected from mRNA shots' IN the UK, three Covid-19 vaccines - AstraZeneca (AZ), Pfizer (PF) and Moderna (MO) - have been used in a nationwide inoculation programmed aimed at preventing harm from the so-called SARS-CoV2 virus.

Vladimir Putin Intercepts Adrenochrome Shipment Headed For Hollywood United States

Adrenochrome is a simple molecule that most undergraduate chemistry students could synthesize in a lab, he said in a July 30, 2020, phone interview with Lead Stories. Taking it from living humans makes no sense, he said, since a child's adrenal gland would be unlikely to yield more than a half of a milligram, even if there were a process for extraction of it from the gland and purification to remove tissue. He said a cow's adrenal gland, easily obtained from any butcher, would be much bigger and bovine adrenochrome is identical to that found in humans, if there were a process to extract adrenochrome from the organ.

CIA Killing 100,000> Year Selling Heroin In U.S.A. Our Troops Protecting Opium-Heroin

In 1990, a failed CIA anti-drug operation in Venezuela resulted in at least 18 ton of cocaine being smuggled into the United States and sold on the streets. The incident, which was first made public in 1993, was part of a plan to assist an undercover agent to gain the confidence of a Colombian drug cartel. How the CIA Turned Us onto LSD and Heroin Secrets of America's False War on Drugs. Through in-depth interviews with academic researchers, historians, journalists, former federal agents, and drug dealers, America's Fake War on Drugs tells true tales of how, for instance, the CIA and Department of Defense helped to introduce LSD to Americans in the 1950s. "The CIA literally sent over two guys to Sandoz Laboratories where LSD had first been synthesized and bought up the world's supply of LSD and brought it back," Lappé tells Nick Gillespie in a wide-ranging conversation about the longest war the U.S. government has fought. "With that supply they began a [secret mind-control] program called MK Ultra which had all sorts of other drugs involved."

In-Depth Plant-Based Covid-19 Vaccine People Testing's Now-You Will Eat Your Shot

Anti-GMO forces target New Breeding Techniques (NBTs) despite similarities to conventional crops For years, critics of GMOs have focused on the idea that modern technologies have allowed plant breeders to take genetic material from one species and add it to another—adding ‘foreign genes’, they call it. These transgenic crosses are responsible for most of the GMO crops that dominate US farmland. But they’ve also offered a rallying point for critics, who’ve built a deceptive narrative around the idea that these “Frankenfoods” should be feared and shunned by consumers.

U.S. Government Is Selling Fentanyl Laced w-Xylazine To Kill Us - Its Not From Mexico

America Is Largest Drug Cartels In The World and Fentanyl Alone or Fentanyl Laced w-Xylazine To Kill Us is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by and sold by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic. Illicitly manufactured, fentanyl is added to heroin, disguising it as highly potent heroin, so users don’t realize that the heroin they’re purchasing may contain fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that was originally developed as an analgesic – or painkiller – for surgery. It has a specific chemical structure with multiple areas that can be modified, often illicitly, to form related compounds with marked differences in potency. Fentanyl’s chemical backbone (the structure in the center) has multiple areas (the colored circles) that can be substituted with different functional groups (the colored boxes around the edges) to change its potency.

Sanctuary Cities And Sanctuary States And Federal Government In U.S.A. For Sale ?

Felons, Illegals And MS13 Welcome Reads "Official Sanctuary State" Sign At California Border and Other Sanctuary States in USA have been there for long, known for protecting undocumented immigrants in USA, but do they really face a threat from anyone winning the election? Donald Trump’s victory in the US Presidential Elections has led to a surge across the world with the kind of words he has been saying publicly or the agendas he has propagated till date. He might be a clear winner but still has a lot of resistance on his so called would be plan for his era as the US President ahead.

600 Billion Dollars Poison Ingredient Making Your Food Toxic To Eat Processed Food

Nina deserves a lot more accreditation on this video, she was one of the first people to shed light on the problems with seed oils and the history of how they came to be. Top Ten Toxic Food Ingredients in Processed Food - Any food that has been canned, dehydrated, or had chemicals added to it is a processed food, and these foods make up about 60 percent of the average American diet. - Most of us don't think of the food we eat as poison, but some of the ingredients commonly found in processed foods can be considered toxic. By "toxic," I mean chemicals or highly processed ingredients that aren't good for you or can cause harm to your health. I'm talking about refined grains, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and all the other artificial junk you can't even pronounce on the ingredient lists.

Docs Worldwide Warn You to Not Take the Covid 19 Vaccine Will Kill You Dead Soon

32 Doctors from 11 Countries warn against taking the COVID-19 Vaccine. The COVID vaccine has proven NOT SAFE nor EFFECTIVE, it has not been properly tested and should not be given to humans, the animals died! In addition, there is not a clear definition of any new disease for which it can be tested against. There has not been a virus that has been purified or shown to the cause of an illness. There is reason to believe the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous and deadly.

Left Wing Vs. Right Wing Yes Two Wings of the Same Bird All Politicians Are Corruption

The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.

Truth Behind Meat Production Chicken Waffle Beef Burger An Eye-Opening Exploration

Narrated by Oscar-nominee James Cromwell, this powerful film takes viewers on an eye-opening exploration behind the closed doors of the nation's largest industrial farms, hatcheries, and slaughter plants -- revealing the often-unseen journey that animals make from Farm to Fridge. If this documentary moves you, please take a moment to consider if these animals lives are worth taking for merely taste. Thinking about going vegan? The Truth About the Meat Industry
What is left out of our food labels? Behind the cow industry are disturbing secrets you are not supposed to know. Supermarket beef has become an industrialized, unnatural product laced with lies beyond the labels. What actually happens to that meat before it reaches grocery store shelves? In this blog I’ll unveil the dirty truth behind the cattle slaughter process everyone needs to hear.

Lab-Grown And Real Human Meat Was FDA Approved Cannibalism A Sprit Cooking

There is something deeply disquieting about cannibalism. Motives and technicalities do not matter; eating human flesh is now universally considered revolting, whatever the circumstances. However, if we trust a long line of anthropologists and ethnographers, this has not always been the case in all parts of the world and is therefore not self-evident. Stripped of all cultural context and psychological connotations and in purely detached terms, the act of cannibalising a corpse might be considered a victimless crime, the victim of the act being a lifeless body destined to decay anyway. And yet, cannibalism is instinctively perceived in virtually all cultures today as grisly violence and, more than that, a violation of all that makes us human. It is probably this perception that led some scholars to question whether human beings could ever have engaged in such practices, except in the most wretched conditions.

Pedophile's Eating Alive And Aborted Baby And Young Kids Too Rejuvenating Potion

Planned Parenthood Kills Them and Then Sells Their Organs. Which is Worse? Planned Parenthood Is Largest Food Suppliers Human Meat In The World Today. "You Are What You Eat." Most of us have likely heard this saying before and are familiar with its simple and sensible meaning. When we were younger, this adage taught us (hopefully) to take care of what we put into our bodies because the food we eat can have a direct affect on our health as a whole. Selling Human Meat Per Planned Parenthood Rules All Sell At Cost/Lost For Non-Profit Organization.

Gates from Hell - Like you Never Knew Him (Bill Gates) Before ? Corbett Report - W0W

There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen in our exploration of Gates' rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology, and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-corona virus world.

Pedophile and A Pizza Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Evidence ** GRAPHIC **

CIA Director Pompeo Oversees Capture Of UN Pedophile Who Leaked Video Of Hillary Clinton Killing Child (True ?) What is the real world evidence and sources for these words that I've seen shared so much? “hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of color “map” = semen “sauce” = orgy - So I searching online for any evidence that "pizza," "hotdogs," "cheese," or "pasta" are code words used by pedophiles. Found nothing, yet this "fact" has been repeated in virtually every post about Pizzagate. What's the source? Of course it's possible that the only Pedophile using these words and their kid sex friends. It may be their own private language.
Podesta’s email account was hijacked and the hackers took his entire private library of emails. This sucked hard for Podesta because the hackers had tons of high ranking-sensitive information. From October through November 20,000+ pages of emails were uploaded to wiki-leaks.

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