Nahum Part VII: Woe to The Bloody City! (3:1-7)

1 year ago

#Yahweh #mysterybabylon #endtimes

Nahum chapter 3 contains three taunt songs directed at Nineveh, her goddess, her king, and Mystery Babylon. Each of these taunt songs contains a rhetorical question.

In this study we will explore the first of these taunt songs, which is verses 1-7.

It begins with “Woe” and we must identify the meaning of the woe oracle. Who is it directed towards? Why is it being pronounced? What links does this woe oracle have with our own time? And what connection exists between this woe oracle and the book of Revelation?

We will then have to identify the prostitute, the mistress of sorcery. Who is this prostitute? How is sorcery involved? How does she represent future mystery Babylon? Why does the Lord pronounce the specific judgment that he pronounces?

And finally we will seek to understand the meaning of the rhetorical question that ends this first taunt song. Nineveh will have no comforters in hell. How does this relate to the name Nahum? What does Nineveh’s judgment have to do with ancestor veneration and funerary rituals?

Join us as we discuss these issues and more!

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