VLOG #3 Nazi Propaganda Techniques

1 year ago

Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's propaganda minister. He turned the art of propaganda into a science. Here are his famous 11 principles of propaganda updated for the digital age. You will recognize them. They are everywhere in our society today.

This is just one of many ideas in my new book, "What the Hell Is Going On? - The Web of Fraud That Is Enslaving Everyone and How We Can Escape to Freedom." You can get your copy from any of your favorite online bookstores, such as my publisher (https://booklocker.com/books/12553.html) or, if you must, from Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/What-Hell-Going-Enslaving-Everyone/dp/1990893007/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1EQUK77DNDRQ2&keywords=what+the+hell+is+going+on+the+web+of+fraud&qid=1668100956&s=books&sprefix=what+the+hell+is+going+on+the+web%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C535&sr=1-1). For more information, visit my author website, https://www.cominghomespirit.com/.

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