Global Village of the Damned

1 year ago

-Matt Walsh uncovers the complete fraud of transgender "medicine" showing that "letter mills" will approve a random guy for testicle removal (and give him a false diagnosis so that insurance will pay for it) after only a 22-minute Zoom call with a nurse.

-California is rewriting child abuse law. Guess what? A bill almost certain to be signed now defines failing to affirm your child's "trans" ness as child abuse. California family courts will be required to consider that child abuse and contemplate taking the child from his parent.

-Female judge in Washington colludes with personality disordered lady man troon to ruin a Koren man's spa, which adheres to women-only and men-only naked sauna rules. He's now forced to allow men to parade among the naked women, and he'll likely shut down his 20-year old enterprise.

-The Human Rights Campaign is the biggest extortion racket on earth, masquerading as an "advocacy group" for "queer" people. (They used to care about gay marriage). They're forcing companies to formally approve of, and select employee insurance plans that include puberty blockers for children.

Articles/Media discussed:

New York Post on Seattle Judge Siding with Lunatic Troon

CNN does HRC's PR for its ginned up "LGBTQ State of Emergency" declaration's

Mary Harrington, 'The Reactionary Feminist', on Gen Z's desire to be governed to death (and to govern you to death, too)

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