Why Are Honey Bees So Critical To Our Food Supply? | Expert Beekeeper Explains

1 year ago

Beekeeper Justin Scott with "Sweet Stingers Honey & Apiary" explains the critical role bees play in our food supply. He's says; "One in every three bites of food we consume are supported by pollination."
Listen while Justin explains how their business was built upon people who want to have pollinating bees incorporated with their property but don't want to do the work themselves. Sweet Stinger's, sells the equipment to the owners then takes care of the hives in turn for the Honey produced which they sell on the open market. Justin says; "It's a win win."
Sweet Stingers Honey & Apiary is an Oklahoma based business that maintain, produce and sell honey from most parts of the state with a wide range of flavor profiles. Keith from "The Farm2Table Direct Show" took a taste test of the different flavors at The Okie Homesteading Expo and said; "I'm blown away by the different flavors available in honey just in Oklahoma and I'm very impressed with the expert knowledge that this 2nd generation beekeeper shared." And, it's not just Justin that knows all about beekeeping, his wife and children are heavily involved and knowledgeable as well. Additionally, Keith said, "I didn't even know I was interested in bees until I spoke with Justin."

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