Hornady® V-MAX® Bullets Lethal Impact

1 year ago

Some people think that posting a notice like this on their social networking profile protects them. It doesn't. They already know they are violating your rights.

They only warning they will ever get from me is a high velocity projectile right between their eyes: Hornady® V-MAX® bullets.

On impact, they dump their entire force load, creating a softball size (or larger) wound cavity. Imagine what that will do to a human brain? Instant liquification.

Worthless Message Below:
Notice and warning to all agents and officers of any de facto government entity or agency.

As per my lawful council I retain and reserve all my rights. And through the supremacy clause of the constitution and the declaration of human rights and the ICCPR (International Covenant for Civil and Political rights) all known as Supreme law. Once these treaties are brought into the light you must obey them or face serious consequences.

You are trespassing and depriving me of life, Liberty and my right to be left alone. You're attempting to commit multiple felony crimes under the doctrine of Parens Patriae or en loco parentis. Under both ASFA and Social Security Title 4 you cannot remove a child from a parent without the parents permission.

There will be no acceptance by me of any presumption or assumptions of my status standing and jurisdiction and above all I hereby retain my right to self-determination. I do not consent to anything and I will not sign anything. I am here by challenging jurisdiction. We have no contractual agreement there will be no tacit agreements of me being a citizen, person or resident or subject as I am not. I am an American State National with limited diplomatic immunity and not subject to the false and fraudulent doctrine of Parens Patriae. The state is not the parent of free men and women and I do not consent and mere statues don’t apply.

Warning as per Title 18 USC section 242 you're acting under the color of law and are depriving me of my rights. If you came with another it is a conspiracy to deprive me of my rights and section 241 applies. Both of these and other felonies you are committing.

If you continue I will be forced by you to file criminal and tort charges against you personally in your private capacity. Under title 42 USC 1983 I may sue state or local officials for the deprivation of any rights privileges or immunities secured by the Constitution and these federal laws. Under Bevins vs 6 unknown, unnamed agents of the federal bureau of narcotics I may sue federal officials for the violation of certain Constitutional rights. These crimes carry penalties of up to $200,000 and up to 10 years in prison for each count. I will not submit, contract or consent to any officer agent or order from any administrative court or any private corporate or de facto bar actors and I will treat them as I would any other trespasser. So unless you have a warrant from an Constitutional article 1 or article 3 court that clearly states the exact purpose, place or thing that is backed up by a sworn claim, not a complaint, as anyone can complain about anything, an affidavit or sworn testimony given under oath and the penalty of perjury please leave here immediately. I hereby now plead the 5th.

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