Jeff O'Donnell 5/23/23: Fingerprints of Fraud Report SUMMARY Vol.1

1 year ago

What the machines *do*. I cut the intro and the closing prayer so O'Donnell gets right into it. The body of the report is only 24 pages and 10 of them are the Table of Contents so unlike the Mesa 2 Report, this is something you can easily read. The rest of the report is the data, but he gives more details with it.
O'Donnell looks at the ballots coming in, as captured in the Cast Vote Records' timestamps:
1. the ballots were counted in the exact same pattern in numerous counties, which shows it was rigged by machine;
2. the pattern itself is impossible. If you flip a coin many times, the total percentage is going to flatline the more times you flip it: after you've done a thousand flips, flip 1001 will not impact the percentage. Dr. Daugherity has explained this well on Frankspeech. The thumbnail is what a natural pattern looks like, the blue line between the red curved lines. What happened in the Mesa Pattern isn't like that at all, as you see at the start of the video, but Trump's percentage of the vote rises to the final count in all these counties at a 45 degree angle.

This is impossible. It's like flipping a coin a hundred thousand times and the results changing steadily from 0% heads to 50% heads. In reality, it'll be 50% the whole time but the beginning, when there are only a few flips and each one changes the percentage a lot.

The 3 Mesa Reports, DHS/CISA advisory and Halderman Report(s) are also there.

#jeffodonnell #fingerprintsoffraud #joeoltmann

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