Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...11 June 2023 AD...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi, 2nd Dominica after Pentecost, Feast of St. Barnabas, Apostle...11 June 2023 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on Dominica within the Octave of Corpus Christi...11 June 2023 AD...also 2nd Dominica after Pentecost, in today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches the importance of being diligent and persevering in the punctual and true practice of the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, and so to set aside this Divinely revealed religion of salvation and profess the heretical lies of the devil instead, these same abominable followers of Satan will one day regret it at the hand of God, as such perverted souls, ungrateful and disobedient to God and His true Roman Catholic Church, they profess to know the truth (and they reject it), but when it comes to prove their convictions they fail miserably because God is not helping them to understand the proper and obligatory safeguards and constraints of the truth of salvation, so that these same heretics reject them without any regret of mind and soul, and thus they are set to fall and, ultimately, they will learn the price of their heretical unbelief in Hell whereto they are heading in their wickedness and in their denials of the Truth...


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