June 11, 2023, Mark 2:23-28, "Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath" (Live)

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2 Timothy 3:16-17, all of God's Word is applicable
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Mark 2:23-28

[Jesus rebuked again.]
John 5:5-9, Jesus and His disciples are in Jerusalem, by a pool called Bethesda on the Sabbath, and Jesus commands an impotent man (who had been ill for 38 years) to rise, pick up his bed, and walk; then immediately the man is healed as he obeys Jesus
John 5:10, the Pharisees accuse the healed man of violating their law, concerning carrying things on the Sabbath
John 5:11, the man tells the Pharisees that whoever healed him (for he did not know Jesus at that time), commanded him to do so (carry his bed)

Mark 2:23-24, again the Pharisees bring an accusation on the Sabbath, but now directly to Jesus, concerning harvesting a field

Deuteronomy 15, God's original instructions on harvesting, does in fact allow harvesting for sustenance

Matthew 11:28-30, God's yoke is not supposed to be oppressive, like the law of man

. the Pharisees' law prohibited a variety of granular details on the Sabbath, including carrying items, writing, lighting, pouring of water, dress code, occupation specific "codes", etc. - and it became oppressive over time, rather than fulfilling the Word of God

Mark 2:24, the Pharisees question Jesus and His disciples about why they continue to challenge their man made law

[Jesus teaches scripture.]
Mark 2:25-26, Jesus reminds the Pharisees (if they were truly knowledgeable on the Old Testament) about how Abiathar the son of Ahimelech (the priest) treated David; the priest was more concerned about the health of David than about legal details

1 Sam 21:1-6, David and his followers pursued by Saul, ran out of food, and came to the sanctuary asking the priest to share the bread (originally asking for 5 out of the 12 loaves that were already set on the altar, instead of the other set of 12 for the priests alone). The priest responded with a simple request: that only certain men who met specific conditions (see verse 5) could eat the bread.

Matthew 15, Jesus accuses the Pharisees of substituting the traditions of men as law, over the truth of God's Word

[Lord of the Sabbath.]
Mark 2:27, the sabbath was made (by God) for man; man was not made for the "sabbath" (sabbath according to the Pharisees) - or man was not made to be oppressed by man made laws and traditions
Mark 2:28, Jesus is the Lord of the sabbath; God made all things including the sabbath

Psalm 150:1-6

[songselect.ccli.com songs]
43073, Praise The Lord The Almighty
15960, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
141793, No Other Name
2240585, Let It Rise
1872920, Jesus Calls Us O'er The Tumult

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