How To Install a Swimming Pool Pump (Better)

1 year ago

From this long form detailed walkthrough of swimming pool pump installation tips, techniques and tips is sure to help you learn how to install pool pumps better! From fitting types such as street elbows, short radius 90 and long radius 90 (sweep elbow) to pipe selection (rigid versus flex PVC) to suction manifolds, valves and how to make sound threaded connections.

Even if you have no intention to install your own swimming pool pump it can be helpful for pool owners to learn about their equipment such that they can determine if it is installed correctly. Not all professional equipment installations are equal and nobody will ever care for your own pool as much as you will yourself. Knowledge is power in this regard and learning as much as you can about how to installing swimming pool pumps can only help you.

#poolpump #educationalvideo #swimmingpoolsteve

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