Contract Act LLB 5 Years What is void Contract

1 year ago

💔 A void contract is "not binding in law"
💡 Definition of a void contract: An agreement that is not enforceable by law
🚫 Reasons for a contract to become void:
Contract is illegal from the moment it is made
Contract violates fundamental principles and is declared unacceptable by the courts
Changes in law render the contract void even if it has been fully performed
📜 Features of a void contract:
Not enforceable by law
No compensation can be paid
Against public policy
Does not create any legal rights
Does not create any obligation on any party
📜 Contracts specifically declared void:
Agreement in restraint of marriage
Agreement in restraint of trade
Agreement in restraint of legal proceeding
Agreement when both parties are at mistake
Agreement by way of wager
Uncertain agreements
Immoral agreements
Agreements with an element of fraud
Agreements against public policy
Agreements causing injury to others
Agreements with an unlawful object
Agreements mentioning impossible acts
Contracts forbidden by law
🔒 Void contracts are not enforceable, don't create rights or obligations, and are not recognized by the law.
Hashtags: #VoidContract #NotBindingInLaw #EnforceableByLaw #IllegalContract #FundamentalPrinciples #ChangesInLaw #NoCompensation #AgainstPublicPolicy #NoLegalRights #NoObligation #RestraintOfMarriage #RestraintOfTrade #RestraintOfLegalProceeding #MistakenAgreement #AgreementByWager #UncertainAgreement #ImmoralAgreement #ElementOfFraud #AgainstPublicPolicy #InjuryToOthers #UnlawfulObject #ImpossibleAct #ForbiddenContract #NotRecognizedByLaw

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