Steve K. Bannon: Miles Guo told me that the CCP has forcibly aborted 500 million fetuses

1 year ago

6/4/2023 【NFSC 3rd Anniversary】Steve K. Bannon (GETTR: @stevebannon): Miles Guo told me that the CCP has forcibly aborted 500 million fetuses, with 80% of them being female, leading to a significant population problem in mainland China! Yet, for those who claim to advocate for women's rights, I don't hear you when it comes to the CCP's massacre of billions of Chinese baby girls. Where are you?
#NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
6/4/2023 【新中国联邦三周年】班农先生:文贵告诉了我,中共国有5亿胎儿被中共强制流产,其中80%是中国女婴,这是导致中国大陆出现巨大人口问题的原因!而那些所谓主张妇女权益的人士,当谈到中共屠杀数了以亿计的中国女婴时,我听不到你们的声音,你们在哪呢?
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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