Advance Wars 1+2: BHR Mission 25

1 year ago

And we kick things off with one of the missions that make Eagle endearing to his fans. There is a need to destroy an enemy fortress, but realizing the body count such a plan would create, Eagle hesitates. Rallied by his subordinates, he leads the strike.

We have a fixed number of units here, and this is one of the fights that really highlights the difference in the AI between the original version and here. On GBA, Hawke would never hesitate to fire off his power, but here he will hold onto it unless he has troops that need healing. As a result, we make sure to wipe out the initial wave, get into position, and bring everything to a swift close with Eagle's super. Blowing up some of the defenders during the super makes sure I achieve the power goal and we bring this mission to a swift close and succeed in alleviating Eagle's greatest fear.

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