Live Chat with Paul; -136- Tyler Glockner still promoting UAP hoaxes 0 Skills 0 Research&UAP updates Vegas UFO landing + David Grusch

1 year ago

#UAP #UAPS #offworldcraft #alien #aliens #fraudchannels
#UFOLOGY #AfieldofLies #misinformation #disinformation

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Updates on Leaker Whistleblowers and other
UFO topics and videos including the latest disinfo from ST10
[00:02:00] (1c) Paul shows his new Sky Watch outside cameras at Night Live Setup
to see how well it handle 5 cameras pm a stream
[00:24:30] (2) Main Topic Begins - Break Down Tylers Secureteam latest
grifted UFO videos that seems to fool his followers still in 2023
who praise him each time.. SO SAD! UFOLOGY is toast!
[00:28:00] (2b) How much is he earning now days... hes made like 3 million USD with his channel
and Tylers LAME art on his Merch
[00:30:30] (3) Secureteam's First video on a DISC comparing it to the debunked Grad balloon
passing pilot that Paul previously analyzed in old live show
[00:36:00] (4) Paul Proves Tyler Lied about this new video going viral by searching twitter
ans web for it.. so could he be the one to fake this video and post it about 4 sites so can
claim it for his YT show? Others have also said hes done this before??? Lack of UFO
vids.. just make them and post about with sock accounts!
[00:51:30] (5) Paul frame steps the source video looking for editing and fakery
[01:00:00] (6) Could it be a UFO shaped Drone.. Paul finds a couple online to compare
just for completeness of this live debunking
[01:08:20] (7) Was it an April first Joke video?
[01:09:00] (8) Does background audio give it away as being at a airshow?
[01:15:30] (9) Paul now reveals the original airshow video it was cropped and messed with to make a fake version off it.. red flag of the hoaxed one was they stopped filming suddenly
as well.
[01:28:50] (10) On to the next Faked video of 2 bright orbs shooting off
[01:33:30] (11) How do we spot CGI? Well Cloud movement changes and Camera motion
artifacts.. is there any in this video or does it look to perfect!
[02:08:00] (12) Paul tries to find a portrait phone video with same movement
for comparison
[02:22:00] (13) Paul looks at MUFON submitted video for comparison
and ends up with a copyright claim for some background music of 12secs
HOW LAME google and MUSIC CORP! this is FAIR USE and accidental Back
ground Music.
[02:48:00] (14) Paul catches up with side live comments
[02:49:30] (15) Paul gets comment about Underwater UFOs USO so Paul looks
up the kind of pressures and material strengths needed.. how possible is it
with human tech vs alien theories
[03:03:00] (16) Paul resumes ST10 break down
[03:09:00] (17) 3rd video of Tylers well PHOTO Paul zooms and analyzes it
[03:14:00] (18) 4th video of things passing the moon.. Paul shows its 100 percent
a duck or goose. Why would a UFO channel put this garbage up as Alien craft?
Did Tyler film it on his p1000 while claiming received it? no proof of emails
of submission. This would be something Tyler would do for fresh content making!
[03:27:00] (19) Gullible fans comments are SAD read for ST10 latest video
they are all clueless *kids? Teens? 20somethings?
[03:33:00] (20) George Knapp News report Las Vegas, of a Kid claiming UFO landed with
10 foot tall aliens - is it Legit.. Paul breaks it down.
[03:42:00] (21) Alien description dont match any other alien report Kid
is making it up.. big eyes big mouths like a bigfoot in in size but grey!
[03:43:00] (22) Debunking the UFO landing circle and alien images in video
as tyre wheel tracks and pareidolia
[04:10:00] (23) What other videos and people are saying.. like Kid has alien
ufo sites and looks like stage to draw traffic and subs to his channel
and might of used a old video from 2022 with fireworks!
[04:24:00] (24) Finally, Paul gets updates and red flags on David Grusch claims
and story he has proof of UFO crashes!
[04:46:30] (25) Jack Sarfatti Attacks Paul claiming hes stupid.. but Paul shows
what he said before finding that info in a UFO crash MEMO from Sarbacher
that says the same as Paul.. Jack is truely a jack in the box!
[04:47:00] (26) Paul re-caps about his alien contact that may of passed
on info to him in mind control state about Science Aliens know???

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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