Look Out For The Signs - Harry The Soul Coach

1 year ago

Look Out For The Signs

This is from the Newest Soul Revive Course - The Expansion

When we look through the eyes of the Soul, we are able to let go of many attachments and see the world in a completely different light

What are the signs and what do they mean?

Signs are sent to us every day

Pre-sent (soul)
And we see them when we are
present (body)
And they feel like they have been presented (mind) to us just at the right time.

Many people have their own explanation to what the signs represent

The most important thing is that you are the one who gives ALL signs meaning

Your feelings are the truth and when you want to find meaning, ask yourself a question similar to…

‘what is the message here’ or ‘what does this sign mean?’

The moment we bring awareness we start to experience life through a totally new reality

I now view these signs as gifts from God and I will always look out for a message or teaching

Bring awareness to situations out of our control, ie traffic or cancellations

Instead of frustration can you zoom out and ask yourself what the meaning of this situation Right now?
‘Why is this being shown to me?’ Or ‘why does this continue happening to me? Quite often the reason will pop right up at the right time

The signs keep us present, keep us connected, and keep us on path

They also add excitement and provide confirmations as we continue on the journey

As you go through your day, start with a powerful intention

“Look out for the signs”

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