StarCraft 1 cheat codes, because Terran mission 10 sucks

1 year ago

Well sorry to be even lamer than normal, but I tried multiple times to win this the right way, and yet managed to fail each time regardless. SO, instead of failing yet more, here's my response to this quasi Kobayashi Maru: press enter, type a code, press enter again.

As seen on IGN's page, where more codes are, some less useful than others, here are ones I think are actually useful:

"show me the money" = 10,000 each gas & crystal.
"black sheep wall" = reveals the entire map, which is insane here.
"food for thought" = 'removes' supply limit, or rather it's 200
"modify the phase variance" = unlock buildings
"medieval man" = research unnecessary
"power overwhelming" = [Boris] "I AM INVINCIBLE!!!" [/Boris]

So yeah, I'm lame, and this is a game. This level felt like work, so meh, I'm tired of this and need to focus on writing my book again rather than goofing around. Maybe I'll try this again and win properly someday, but seriously it's not even fun to play this level.

Hope everyone likes seeing the ED209 robots walking about.

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