Trump says, once again, he’ll end birthright citizenship if he wins the upcoming 2024 election.

1 year ago

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Trump says, once again, he’ll end birthright citizenship if he wins the upcoming 2024 election.

Washington Watcher II writes for “Your
move DeSantis, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley and other Republican hopefuls!”
In a recent video released by his campaign, Trump pledged to stop birth
tourism from illegal aliens.
All by itself, ending Birthright Citizenship would checkmate the Democrats’
drive to Elect A New People through mass illegal immigration: babies born to
illegals would not be American citizens and would hence be ineligible to vote.
GOP elected officials have ignored this for far too long, even as millions of
illegal aliens have invaded the country and threatened to permanently Replace
the Historic American Nation. Now, Republicans must take a stand, and the
ones who want to be the nominee will share Trump’s view.
He had campaigned on eliminating it in 2016 and brought up scrapping it by
Executive Order right before the 2018 midterms, reportedly at the suggestion
of former White House staffer Michael Anton. Staffers apparently scuttled the
idea, claiming Trump didn’t have the legal authority to issue the order. The
idea was revived in Trump’s last days in office, but nothing came of it. Calling
for the end of Birthright Citizenship was commendable, but his failure to deliver
was one of his most significant failures while in office.
At least, he’s made Birthright Citizenship an issue once again.
Almost no Republican has even mentioned it since the Biden Border Rush
began. Millions of illegals can now drop Anchor Babies who will be American
citizens, which as a practical matter makes the parents non-deportable and
enable them to establish a beachhead here. But Republicans seem blind.
Granted, Republicans discuss securing the border and increasing enforcement,
but they offer no plan to deal with illegals here now.
CLIP: “My policy will choke off a major incentive for continued illegal immigration,
deter more migrants from coming, and encourage many of the aliens Joe
Biden has unlawfully let into our country to go back to their home countries,”
Here’s what the order would do:
Trump seeks to better define the 14th Amendment, which states that U.S.
Citizenship extends only to those born both in AND “subject to the jurisdiction”
of the United States. This will prevent children of illegals from gaining
citizenship, passports, social security numbers, and welfare benefits, as well as
the right to vote in elections.
Under Trump’s order, at least one parent of a child born on U.S. soil will
need to be a citizen or be a lawful resident in order to become an automatic
U.S. Citizen.
This will effectively end “birth tourism”, through which tens of thousands of
pregnant foreigners currently travel to the United States in order to deliver a
child with automatic U.S. citizenship.
• It will explain the clear meaning of the 14th Amendment, that U.S. Cit-
izenship extends only to those both born in AND “subject to the jurisdiction”
of the United States. It will make clear that going forward, the
children of illegal aliens will not be granted automatic citizenship, and
should not be issued passports, Social Security numbers, or be eligible for
certain taxpayer funded welfare benefits. It will direct federal agencies
to require that at least one parent be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent
resident for their future children to become automatic U.S. citizens.
• And, it will direct federal agencies to require that at least one parent be
a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident for their future children to
become automatic U.S. citizens.
• Through “Birth Tourism,” tens of thousands of foreign nationals fraudulently
enter the U.S. each year during the final weeks of their pregnancies
for the sole purpose of obtaining U.S. citizenship for their child.
And Trump’s team offers a sound legal justification, citing constitutional scholars
who have argued for decades that birthright citizenship for the children of
illegal aliens is a practice based on a twisted interpretation of the 14th Amendment,
which was soley introduced to grant citizenship to newly freed slaves.
Of course, this topic is nothing new for readers. Peter Brimelows
1995 book Alien Nation opens by remarking on how unorthodox the practice is,
writing: “Even if you are born in a manger, the Japanese, French and Germans
say in effect, that still doesn’t make you a bale of hay.” At that time, two thirds
of the births in Los Angeles County hospitals were to illegal-immigrant mothers.
And in 2021, illegals nation-wide birthed nearly 400,000 automatic citizens,
outpacing births by American citizens in 49 states.
We can only assume that this number has continued to grow following
Biden’s Border Rush.
Thus, Trump has cornered the other Republican hopefuls. They can’t avoid
the issue, and will have to catch up if they hope to win the Republican base.
Read more by Washington Watcher II on by clicking the link
attached to this video.

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