Closing the Door on Demonic Attacks Compromise is not an option

1 year ago

Who decides what decent is? Who gives us our liberty? What makes the United States of America unique is it's founding documents. The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution can not be separated. Our rights are not just given to us , but they have been placed in us by God. This is critical to understanding what we are fighting for. The evil we battle desires to take from us the very thing that is our life. Our faith in God. We can not compromise who it is that gives us our rights and who it is who has determined what is good and what is evil. Man has a free will and can choose God and righteousness or he can choose evil. As Paul writes I am not instructing you not to live among them, just do not corrupt yourselves by participating in their sin. The tares will always grow with the wheat. Through Jesus Christ , sinners can be transformed to saints. However, we can never call evil good and good evil. To elevate sodomites and baby killers to equal with the civil rights struggle and to call them "decent" is to say our rights no longer come from God but from man. If man is the source then our liberty is lost. You can not fight evil with evil and America can only survive if she is good. Only Gd in her makes that so.

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