Why Your Lower Back Pain Isn't *Caused* By Tight Muscles! | BISPodcast Ep 47

1 year ago

🎙️ Rethinking Muscle Spasm: How Misdiagnosis Can Lead to Chronic Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is frequently diagnosed as muscle spasm or supposedly caused by tight muscles, but is this really the whole story? Of course it is not.

Muscles are reactionary tissues and they respond to a stimulus. Where we have tightness or painful spasm in the lower back this is of course going to be unhelpful. However, the muscle spasm itself is not the cause of the lower back pain. Today we explain precisely how muscles work. We go on to help you better understand the presence of muscle spasm in lower back injuries as well as how this is understandably unhelpful!

Hopefully by the end of this, you'll firmly understand why muscle spasm in the lower back is a problem, but is not the problem. In doing so you'll have gained and understanding of your own lower back and be able to move forwards resolving the underlying cause of your lower back pain, rehabilitating properly and ultimately getting back to the things you want to do, without pain!

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 47 - Rethinking Muscle Spasm: How Misdiagnosis Can Lead to Chronic Lower Back Pain
👉 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2023/06/rethinking-muscle-spasm-how-misdiagnosis-can-lead-to-chronic-lower-back-pain/

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