Why All Pen-Testing Services S_ck! Find out before you compare vendors

1 year ago

Learn from a 20+ year App Sec founder and leader before you hire your next Pen-Testing service provider!
Understand the fundamentals before comparing pen-testing service offerings

This episode is part of a comprehensive series, where we each category of App Sec products:
* SAST: Static Application Security Testing
* DAST: Dynamic Application Security Testing
* IAST: Interactive Application Security Testing
* SCA: Software Composition Analysis
* WAF: Web Application Firewall
* RASP: Runtime Application Self-Protection (Next-Gen WAF)
* Manual Pen-Testing of Applications
(SAST vs DAST vs IAST vs SCA vs WAF vs RASP vs Pen-Testing)

The playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr15vRqvmtdW-LxrY_fFGNV8ub4_d_Qoc

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