BCP: Bishops of Europe, open your eyes and rise up!

1 year ago

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Dear bishops of Europe,
the main problem facing the Church is the synodal LGBTQ journey. What did Cardinal Müller say about the German Synodal Way, which he referred to as a sect?
“The German Synodal sect is diametrically opposed to Catholic faith... it will cause Christianity in Germany to evaporate. Millions are leaving the Church in Germany, and the remaining Catholics become dechristianized...”
Dear bishops of Italy, Spain, France and other European countries, the fact that Christianity will evaporate also concerns your nations unless you repent and unless you, as bishops, oppose the current doctrinal and moral heresies at this historic time. This German Synodal Way is a precedent for a church-wide synodal journey. Cardinal Müller points to the pernicious fruits and goes on to say: “The whole establishment of German-Catholic ecclesiology is false and suicidal.”
Just think of these words: “false and suicidal”!
Cardinal Müller also commented on the Continental Synodal Assembly in Prague: “The protagonists of German alternative Catholicism used the Synodal meeting in Prague – as expected...” The main propagator of the German Synodal Way, Bishop Bätzing, also took part in it. At the European meeting in Prague, the absurdity of the Belgian document was approved by silence. On 20 September 2022, the document approved a blessing ceremony for the marriages of gay, lesbian and “queer” couples. Quote from the document: “May God the Father ... make their marriage (of two sodomites, lesbians, queers) firm and faithful... May their love for each other bring them joy and serve the welfare of our (church) community.” Bishop Bonny boasted that they had received support from the Vatican in taking the step. During their ad limina visit in November 2022, the invalid Pope said to them: “Continue with wisdom, and remain united.” And Bonny added: “That’s what we’re always trying.”
Dear bishops, do you know what “queer” couples are? Imagine a person bringing a goat to Prague Cathedral and asking Archbishop Graubner to give their queer couple a marital blessing. Then someone else will arrive with a pig or a donkey on a leash. The Belgian blessing ceremony even includes an ecclesiastically approved prayer for queer couples, which, of course, after the meeting in the Vatican, will be accepted as binding in the whole post-synodal Church. So if the goat bleats as a sign of “consent”, the marriage is contracted. If the pig grunts, the marriage is confirmed. If the donkey brays, the pseudo sacrament is sealed. When these queer couples then attend Sunday Mass in the Prague Cathedral, it will truly be joy, as the document says, but accompanied by a special aromatic smell.
To implement today the document of the Bishops’ Conference of Belgium, which is also supported by the German Bishops’ Conference, is a loss of reason, a loss of conscience and a betrayal of God and His commandments.
What was the point of all those continental assemblies? To legalize in the Church in a cunning manner the grossest form of immorality, which is contrary to the very nature of the Church. The Scriptures warn against it, speaking about the punishment of both temporal and eternal fire (2Pe 2:6; Jud 1:7). The assemblies promoted rebellion against God, disguised in religious phrases and positive concepts. Cardinal Müller said about the bishops who promote this immorality: “...they are no longer servants of the Word of God, but representatives of a transhumanist lobby.”
That is why they have brought on themselves God’s anathema according to Gal 1:8-9 and subject to a latae sententiae excommunication. The fact that the persons concerned do not take their exclusion seriously does not change the reality of the anathema.
The insidious synodal system seeks to exploit bishops’ conferences with the intent to achieve the autogenocide of the Church. It is enough for the president of a particular bishops’ conference to have among the bishops one more supporter of synodal suicide, and the two of them will arrogantly and cynically speak and act on behalf of all the bishops. Because of these two traitors of Christ, the whole nation falls. Any of the bishops who defy them will be threatened with punishment for disobedience to the “Holy Father”.
Today, the heresy of papalatry is extremely rampant. Reverence for the saints is called dulia, reverence for the Blessed Virgin is hyperdulia, and reverence for God – latria. To worship the Pope more than God, and even in opposition to God, is the heresy of papalatry.
The Catholic Church values the gift of the papacy because it was instituted in order to protect faith and morals and to fight against heresies. Papalatry, however, serves to legalize and promote heresies and immorality. The papacy is thus degraded to the point of its own self-destruction. At the same time, it becomes an instrument of the mass self-destruction of Catholicism.
The general synodal assembly in the Vatican on 4 October 2023 is to legalize LGBTQ immoralities in the Church. The pilot project of the German and Belgian conferences is to become church-wide. Episcopal conferences will serve as a means of implementing it in the particular territories.
Dear bishops of Europe, unite – at least two or three of you – and enlighten those bishops personally who have not yet succumbed to the spirit of the transhumanist lobby. Make it your aim that your bishops’ conference shall not pass a sentence of death upon your nation. If you remain passive, you will bear a very heavy responsibility before God’s judgment seat.
Dear bishops of Europe, you have to face the terrible reality! You will now become either saviours of the faith in Europe, or its gravediggers! No bishop can be neutral in this situation!
It is now clear to everyone that those who took part in the Prague assembly of the synodal journey have brought upon themselves exclusion from the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. In addition, all of them are subject to the penalty of excommunication from the visible church structure. This also applies to participants in other continental assemblies; the fact that they do not take it seriously is another matter. But it is necessary to know about this spiritual reality and to reckon with it.
Cardinal Müller commented on Bätzing’s Prague speech of 8 February 2023, and he literally said that Bätzing’s analysis was appalling. He renounced the Catholic faith and embraced a different faith – pseudo faith – and a different Christ – antichrist. Bätzing made his apostasy public, saying: “This is not my faith, not my image of Christ and the Church.” Cardinal Müller added: “The reasons for the ‘considerable tensions’ perceived by Bishop Bätzing ... are rooted in heretical contradiction to the Catholic doctrine of faith.”
Presenting his view of a new image of the Church with pseudo-marriages, Bishop Bätzing should have been booed at the Prague assembly. Instead, he became a star. That reveals what spirit was behind the whole European continental assembly. It was the same spirit of heresy and moral depravity that this archheretic Bätzing promotes. On 22 May 2023, Bätzing said: “The synodal journey is moving forward; I don’t have the impression that the Vatican is blocking us.”
Dear bishops of Europe, what we present here is not a joke, nor an exaggerated condemnation. This is the reality you are confronted with. Be aware that every bishop is competent to reject the synodal journey that contradicts in its essence the fundamental truths of Catholic teaching. It is very necessary for you to ensure that your bishops’ conference is not an instrument of promoting spiritual suicide. Therefore, join together as soon as possible in resistance against the synodal LGBTQ journey. You will thus become an instrument of saving the Church in your nation. Pray, encourage each other, be united, act wisely and bravely. God has entrusted you with authority in this difficult time and wants you to remain faithful to His teachings, His laws and commandments, and not to abuse this authority to rebel against Him. Your faithfulness will be rewarded with eternal salvation. Otherwise you will lose it.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

5 June 2023

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