Is Elon Musk Becoming a Muslim ? | Message to Muslims !

1 year ago

if you believed in a creator · 12:22 ogl If you enjoyed the video please share it with your loved ones and leave a thumbs up . Tell us what you think about this video . And if you still haven't subscribed to our channel , what are you waiting for ? :) ||| My dear akhi / ukhti , we are living in hard times . Everyday we are being in a trouble with something ... Problems can come from Marriage , School , Money , Work , Psychology and some other stuff . And , you see life is so short . Everyday more then 300.000 people are dying on world . Maybe we can be one of them in next hour ... Everything could happen . Why I'm telling these ? Because , these are so common things and reality of life and I know some solutions for these . The solution for all is improving your Iman . But , how ? There's a short way for this ! We have an Islamic Learning Application which is named Eternal Life Academy :) If you are with me , and if you want to take your guard against whole these say me that " I'm starting today . " :) ) ( It's totally FREE ! )

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