Ep. 111 Healing with Ayahuasca, Choosing Peace and Wokeness (with Kevin Pringle)

1 year ago

Here in this video I interviewed Kevin Pringle and we talked about his day job; the importance of healing in the pursuit of spiritual growth; the weight of trauma; Doc (Dr. David R. Hawkins) told him "You're tested at every level"; his view of regular talk therapy; a crisis point in his spiritual journey; Trying Ayahuasca for the first time and then working with it to heal; the dangers of Ayahuasca; being shown what he was like through the eyes of others; forgiveness and how to do it; "You want to be right, or do you want peace?"; the innate innocence of everyone; asking for forgiveness; the suffering that comes with resentment of another; iboga and his experience with it; his vision of the effect of Buddha and Jesus Christ on the world'; the real importance of Christ; Wokeness being the god for the godless; toxic femininity; distortion of love; indoctrination of children and damaging them at a young age; the Gillette commercial; the healing modality inspired by Doc's work (Radical Truth); recommendation for new Doc students; how allow below 200 things in your life feeds into negative programming; "flies love shit"; the value of making a different decision; be on guard against the luciferic distortions of truth; be aware of temptations on every level & not trusting people just because of who they claim they are.

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