RLC Selections 69 Chevy Camaro SS: A Collector's Dream!

1 year ago

In this video, we take a closer look at the RLC Selections 69 Chevy Camaro SS from Hot Wheels. A true collector's dream, this car is a must have for any car enthusiast. Join us as we expire the features of this iconic vehicle. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more great content!

RLC info here: https://creations.mattel.com/pages/hot-wheels-collectors?gclid=CjwKCAjwm4ukBhAuEiwA0zQxk3DAGQx8c5b6tVHgPPJnOeRUIbUvDhcFr4HPQzCsZnIIGtxIbr851BoCcfYQAvD_BwE

#hotwheelscars #rlc #hotwheelscollector

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