NIGHT SHADOWS 06092023 -- This STRONG DELUSION, will do exactly what God intends it to do

1 year ago

Jesus told us all that He did not come into the world to condemn it, He came to save it because the world is condemned already. He also told us that the vast majority of Christians were under a deception, a delusion of their own, and a very strong one at that - the world lies under a deception, and the Arrival is simply the apex of this delusion, the foundation of which is EVOLUTION, and that means we don't need a Messiah, a Redeemer or redemption. Hence the very foundation is evolution vs. creation and a fall. That also means "beings of light" or "avatars" or "ascended Masters" vs. a Redeemer. This STRONG DELUSION according to the Bible is going to do exactly what God intends it to do - damn EVERYONE who refused His Son. It is coming to pass right under our noses as we watch really good and sincere folks falling under this delusion and the LIE it brings... 

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