SIP #27 - Local School Boards in 2023

1 year ago

The local school Board has more impact on your personal life than anything else.
Especially if you have children enrolled.
It's not just about taxes. It's about social engineering right under your nose.

Don't be fooled by the surface noise of things like transgenderism, or accusation of being trans-phobic. The real issue isn't what they are saying - its the why and how of what they're doing, or not doing.

In this SIP #27, we talk to Angela Allen of Goochland County Virginia. Angela is a currently seated School Board member running for re-election in 2023.
Likely, the issue discussed is being made an issue in your county. Ask yourself why. Then ask yourself what you're going to do about it.

We suggest that you get behind your local school board candidates like never before - and - make it a point to start attending school board meetings from now on if you aren't already.

Visit Angela Allen's Webpage - There are a lot of items you'll ant to click to and be made aware of.
Also, find the conservative candidates running for School Board in your county.
Then, do whatever you can to support them.

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