
1 year ago

German pathologist Professor Arne Burkhardt has presented a disturbing slide showing that the spike protein from the Covid-19 vaccine in vaccinated men has completely replaced their sperm.

"If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a man who was vaccinated!"

德国病理学家 Arne Burkhardt 教授展示了一个令人不安的幻灯片,显示在接种疫苗的男性中,来自新冠疫苗的刺突蛋白已经完全取代了他们的精子。

“如果我是育龄妇女,我会重新考虑与接种疫苗的伴侣组建家庭!#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #盘古翻译部

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