Hidden Leaks From Auto Water Fill Systems

1 year ago

From https://www.swimmingpoolsteve.com/pages/pool-leaking.html - Automatic water level systems are a fantastic option for swimming pools. The reality is that evaporation happens to every swimming pool and inevitably you will need to top off the water. Some pools in some areas can lose an appreciable amount of water to evaporation such that every few days you have to drag out the garden hose and fill up the pool again. For these pools, an automatic water level system, which is a float valve fed with a pressurized water line from your house, is a fantastic optional upgrade for your pool. In addition to the analog style of float valve there are digital controllers as well which can monitor and maintain the water level in your pool.

In both of these cases, whether analog or digital, using an automatic water level system can have an unintended consequence of hiding leaks in your pool. In some cases these automatic water fill units can hide very large or even severe leaks in your pool. Since you are not necessarily aware that the leak is happening you do not know that you need to turn off your pool and contact an elite detection specialist. Instead, you continue to operate your pool up until the point that you receive an astoundingly expensive bill from your water utility supplier. You could be losing hundreds or even thousands of gallons of water per day from a severe swimming pool leak and all of the symptoms of this would be masked in their entirety or almost in their entirety buy the automatic water fill system. If you were watching your water chemistry close enough you might notice that some levels in your pool are going down. Which should never go down namely cyanuric acid or salt or TDS levels - these going down definitively point to a leak in the swimming pool.

The take away from this video is that if you have an automatic water fill unit on your swimming pool you need to periodically turn it off and manually monitor any water loss in your pool. If you do not do this, you could end up with a very expensive problem on your hands, so be sure to add this small item to your regular swimming pool maintenance schedule.

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