Discover Discussions: How Proficient do I need to be?

3 years ago

Discover Discussions: Aimee + Sarah + Tessah

We are seeing more and more women (and men) take firearms ownership and/or concealed carry into consideration. In a four part series, Aimee Langdon, Sarah Hauptman and Tessah Gabrielle sit down and talk through the considerations that come into play.

Where does my level of proficiency need to be in order to carry? That is up to you - you have to start somewhere and what is the next step for you.

Topics covered in this discussion:
Carrying Comfortably 0 - 1:01
Carrying Chambered 1:03 - 2:32
Women Starting Out 2:32 - 3:42
Carrying around Children 3:42 - end

Generally, women tend to be more critical or question their ability on if they can be proficient with firearms. We all start somewhere. Check out this series with these three women, all from different background and introductions into their firearms journey.

Part 1 of this discussion can be found here:
Part 2 of this discussions can be found here:
Part 4 of this discussion can be found here:

More info and educational tips can be found at and from @armedandstyled2117 and @PHLster

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