Sonic Frontiers JUKEBOX 2 Hours+

1 year ago

All copyright Belongs to SEGA / Other Owners of the songs Period.
Sit back, and enjoy.

0:00 I'm here
4:04 Angel Island
5:08 Mushroom Hill
6:33 Sky Sanctuary
7:32 Palm Tree Panic
9:18 Stardust Speedway (US Ver.)
10:57 Open Your Heart
15:32 It Doesn't Matter
19:51 Emerald Coast - Act 1
23:07 Red Mountain
24:29 Mystic Ruin
26:24 Live & Learn
30:50 City Escape
33:07 Green Forest
35:32 Dry Lagoon
38:34 Sonic Heroes
42:08 Seaside Hill
44:33 Ocean Palace
46:11 Frog Forest
48:06 His World (E3 Ver.)
50:01 Wave Ocean
53:15 Dusty Desert
56:31 Kingdom Valley
1:00:17 Result - His World
1:01:53 Seven Rings in Hand
1:06:56 Sand Oasis
1:10:05 The World Adventure
1:14:12 Windmill Isle - Day
1:16:46 Savana Citadel - Day
1:18:40 Arid Sands - Day
1:20:38 Knight of the Wind
1:25:05 Misty Lake
1:26:33 Deep woods
1:29:28 Theme of Sonic Colors
1:34:05 Planet Wisp
1:36:44 Sky Sanctuary (Remix)
1:38:50 Emerald Coast - Act2 (Remix)
1:41:54 Speed Highway (Remix)
1:43:43 Rooftop Run (Remix)
1:46:05 Wonder World
1:48:53 Windy Hills - Zone1
1:51:27 Desert Ruins - Zone1
1:53:03 Sky Road - Zone2
1:55:01 Stardust High (Remix)
1:56:21 Flying Battery (Remix)
1:57:40 Mirage Salon - Act2
1:59:00 Lava Reef (Remix)
1:59:58 Fist Bump
2:04:20 Arsenal Pyramid
2:05:05 Aqua Road
2:08:17 This Is Our World - Phase2
2:10:37 Reach for the Star (Re-Colors)
2:14:38 Asteroid Coaster (Remix)
(Not Accurate but close as I can get it)

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