The Four Faerie Stars/Gateways Meditation

1 year ago

When we speak of Faerie Races we are not talking about nature spirits or elementals or that over-light a species of plant or tree. Whereas nature spirits and elementals often appear as small beings of light, Faerie beings often appear as very tall.

The Faerie Races of the Inner Earth once dwelt with humanity but as the vibration of the earth-plane began to fall after the destruction of Atlantis the Faerie People disappeared “stepping sideways into the light” and left this dimension of the earth-plane. The tradition of connecting to the Faerie Races are particularly strong in Celtic Scotland and Ireland. There are still portals to be found, such as stone circles, that allow for a contact with these races.
In this meditation (first offered in the Roganstown Hotel, Ireland) we connect to the four gateways of Faerie/Inner Earth. These gateways correspond to the four directions of east, south, west and north. Through these gateways we connect to the four stars and four winds. Each gateways creates a release and an embrace of certain energies. This meditation was inspired by a wonderful book by Hugh Mynne called The Faerie Way.

Music by - Sefy Tofan (Anima Mundi). The track is called Opening My Eye (852 Hz.
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