....Weekly Garden Update 09/06/23

1 year ago

....still no rain, but there is some forecast for this weekend, so fingers crossed the garden will get a good soak and the water tanks will get a bit of a refill....still havnt dug over the new veg bed by the art studio because the ground is like concrete....tomatoes and peppers are looking great in the little greenhouse, and I've planted a few extra broccoli in a little bed beside it....everything is doing well in the baths with the gherkins and cucumbers looking fantastic....still a lot of seedlings coming on in the big greenhouse and some more tomatoes and broccoli in pots on the floor....tree spinach and chard is doing ok in the bed behind even tho the chard is getting some discolouration on the leaves....in the main bed the spuds are doing nicely as I've mounded them up this week, onions are still going to seed a bit more than I would like, but I guess we will just have a lot of onion seed, also the parsnips, rocket, lettuce, radish, chives and garlic are all coming along with the garlic nearly ready for cropping....herbs doing ok on the porch and lastly the cauli, kale, broccoli, spinach and beetroot doing ok round the back of the solar panels although the broccoli and spinach seems to have bolted because of the long dry spell....never mind tho, at least we will get some seeds....

Music Hagalaz' RuneDance from the album Frigga's Web

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