1 year ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎Once you realize "FEAR" is a CHOICE..
Not a natural emotion the entire world faces..
Your sense of self #PRESERVATION and #ACTIONS will complete your tasks and judgments moving forward with CONFIDENCE..and PURPOSE...
These "FEARS " we #CHOOSE to accept around the frustrations we face daily..is amplified by our IMAGINATION running ramped with insane scenarios of things..90% of the time..will never take place..Although..
The DANGER and situation can be real...Your "Fear" of the #SITUATIONS..gets expanded
out of context..Compiled with your INSECURITIES..STRESS LEVELS..and "FEAR"
of the unknown..
Takes it's toll on your #ACTIONS moving forward with CONFIDENCE..and DETERMINATION to be successful in your agenda to be happy..You have to BUILD a FOUNDATION of understanding against your "FEARS"..Realizing the difference of the danger present of a situation..
Than the "FEAR" expressed within the influences and individual's #CHOSEN thought process..Not all may understand my words..So I'll give you this start of wisdom against "FEAR"....THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF...So..If you do not see "FEAR" before you..(Whatever form it may possess)..and there is no true danger present...You are letting the weakness of your spirit CONTROL your strength to overcome your "#FEARS"
to survive..overcome..and adapt to the real dangers surrounding your existence..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism"..#MuchLove "Humans"▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯
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