
1 year ago

[Whimsical Poem Collection] -
A brief focus on the craft of knitting, its creativity, application and motivations. It offers a type of dedication and I feel it also represents a kindness in ‘deed’.

This poem was written on 11th January 2023. It will be part of a collection that I refer to as
Whimsical – A blend of Frippery, with Clever and Inane creations!

Poem wording -


Plain. Purl. Forwards and back.
Knitting needles going - clickedy - clack.
Over one side, then back to the other.
Putting a jumper together? For a brother?!

Poetry in motion, seeing such creative devotion.
A skill practised – not devoid of emotion.
Practical, methodical and rhythmical in motion.

Loop by loop, the wool pulled and taken.
Made literally stitch by stitch, none mistaken.
Energy spent, but not forsaken.
What pleasure we see from ‘home-making’.
The creativity, the focus on one.
Is a kindness in ‘deed’.

Wear it with pleasure.
Because in it’s creation …
Love, was the seed.


For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology”

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry”
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