THV 11 needs to improve their web design.

1 year ago

The article I am referencing:

I don't like clickbait and switch news articles.

I saw a post on Facebook about a man catching a world record catfish.

When I clicked the article, there was no picture or video of said specimen.

There was a video at the top of the page that was just the previous noon broadcast with no story in it as labelled in the headline of the article.

There was another video about a man catching the biggest alligator gar in Houston - still not what was advertised.

Then there was a feed of ads posing as news articles.

I think we should encourage the boomers that watch this content to demand that they better integrate legacy and internet interactive supposedly alternative media.

Have y'all figured out yet that really these sites like Rumble, Gab, Infowars are actually just the new mainstream media?

Yep. That's why YouTube TV exists.

Also, we should ask for more merging of content within a traditional broadcast TV format.

We need to select what we think is the best alt media content and then edit it so that the highlights are on one channel which is like the best of the internet media and make that a channel one can watch on a smart TV so that we can unify our content so that we reduce radical political tensions and get back to the American model of handling our differences as part of a unified team.

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