Nikola Straka - Psychedelic Content, Writer, SEO, Digital Marketing

1 year ago

Instead of writing about everything, my main focus is on Psychedelic Therapy, Mushrooms (not only the trippy ones), and Psychedelics in general. 
You know how they say “It’s better to do one thing well than ten things poorly.” That’s why I always stick to my fields of expertise

Psychedelic Content Writing
If your goal is to be seen in search engines, with content that holds the attention of the readers. Carefully crafted, accurate, and authentic psychedelic content will make your blog stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless, you need someone who knows how to write, is passionate about psychedelics, and understands your brand’s voice!

Mushroom Content Writing
As a mushroom grower, I experienced a lot of ups and downs and I consider myself to be an expert in this field. Writing strategy does more than just rank your website on the first page. It makes your content appealing to the reader, who will gladly share it with friends, thus you will appear directly in front of your potential customers.

I’ve been working in the field of internet marketing for 5 years now, and from all the tasks that my job had to offer, I found my true passion in writing.

The great thing about my internet marketing carrier was that I have learned how to use SEO properly and my content can be seen all around the world!    I have decided to switch solely to writing SEO content since it combines two things, writing (that I love) and being seen on search engines!

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