Dumpster Diving 2023 Haul: An Excellent Scrap Metal Haul Before Game Night

1 year ago

Man was tonight a great dive! And THANK YOU everyone for being so supportive and engaged in the channel. I love hearing about your own dives, scrap projects, and stories of life. Such a fun time talking with yall.

Tonight I hit up the business district and found a bit of aluminum and some circuit boards. Also there were a TON of water heaters set out (literally . . . probably 2,000+ lbs of them lol) so tomorrow morning I am going to head out and pick them up. Probably will just barely cover gas because my scrap yard doesn't pay much for steel, but I hate to see them get landfilled.

Got a good load of copper wire too when I hit up the construction dumpsters. Feeling pretty good about the dumpster diving this month, although I haven't been able to get out as much as I would have liked to.

P.s. I ended up winning Settlers of Catan at game night tonight ;)

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